Deadline To Sign-Up For Women's Study

Women Talking Like Women About God

Our Women’s Study is an opportunity to delve deeper into theological topics looking for ways these truths can be applied to the unique roles and callings of women.

This Fall, we learn about developing and growing deep, godly friendships. How do we overcome feelings of isolation and loneliness? How do we fit more relationships into our hectic schedules? How do we embrace the people God has put in our lives?

The book that will guide our discussions is Messy Beautiful Friendships by Christine Hoover.

Deadline to Sign-up Is This Sunday 8/11/2019

Women's Study is for all female regular attenders of Sovereign Grace Church age 14 and older.  The next session starts on August 27th. Let us know you’re interested in joining by clicking the link below.

Get registered right away.

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Pray For Youth Camp 2019

Today they head up the mountain

Our youth leaders and youth are already well on their way up to this year’s Youth Camp. We’re grateful to the volunteers and parents that are leading. We’re grateful for the young men and young women making the time for this retreat.

We invite you to join us in praying:

  1. Pray for Pastor Eric as he leads and teaches. His topic is the Trinity, out three-in-one God. Pray that He would be filled with the Spirit as he teaches and that the youth would walk away with a clearer view of our great God and Savior.

  2. Pray for youth in attendance who are not Christians, that the Lord would open their eyes to repent and believe as the gospel is proclaimed.

  3. Pray that the leaders and parents would make meaningful connections with the youth, relationships that would foster discipleship and growth.

  4. Pray for fun. Pray for laughter. It glorifies God when we enjoy the good things he has given us to enjoy.

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Thanks For Loving The Garden

Beautiful Garden + Our Children = One Rule

We want to be good stewards of the Woman's Club garden. They have made improvements and we keep having more children (hooray!).

We have one simple rule:

Stay On The Bricks

Please ensure all children stay on the bricks at all times. They are free to run and play in the garden, just not in the planters and behind the building.

Thanks for helping us be the best tenants ever for the Woman's Club.

Prayer Is Part Of Our Mission

Our global vision as a local church is to work for the prosperity of our sister churches in the Asia-Pacific region. To walk this out, we don’t even have to leave our living rooms. We can pray. God hears and He acts.

Below, we’ve included a list of things you can pray for provided by our friend and pastor in Sydney, Dave Taylor.

Let’s pray these in faith:

  1. Please pray for Riley Spring (Australian Church Planter) and the Sovereign Grace Church of Parramatta ‘Planting Team’ as they run a ‘Public Information Night’ at Tara Anglican School on Thursday 8th August, ahead of the launch of Sovereign Grace Church of Parramatta next month. Please pray that there may be some in the area who are interested in joining the church plant or hearing more about it and that they would come on the night!

  2. Please pray for Songhwan Kang, Senior Pastor of Lord’s Grace Church in Seoul, South Korea, as he continues to train 14 Church Planters on a monthly basis. Please pray for wisdom for Songhwan in this process, both in the training of these dear brothers, and also in the potential adoption of some of these churches. This is the answer to many years of prayer for Songhwan and so please pray for grace to abound to this work.

  3. Please pray for our three key leaders in the Philippines - Jeffrey Jo (Cavite), Nilo Ebo (Cebu) and Pete Valdez (Bohol) - as they continue to work through the Sovereign Grace ordination process. In the midst of already very full lives, please pray that God would give them much grace to complete their studies as they begin to prepare to take the ordination exams.

  4. Please pray for our key leader in Nepal (name withheld for safety reasons). The scene in Nepal is making it increasingly more dangerous to openly share the Gospel and yet incredibly, and wonderfully, the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ is boldly going forward more than ever. My friend told me that they have baptised 99 people in the last 12 months. He was ecstatic and thrilled as he told me all about this. Please continue to pray for our dear brothers and sisters in Nepal. That God’s hand may be close to them in all that they do.

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Get Comfy

Tackling the tough passages

The Bible has some confusing passages in it. Yet we believe every verse helps us understand God’s redemptive plan. Every verse is there to equip us to lead lives that please God.

This Sunday at Sunday School, we cover God’s command to Ezekiel to lay on his side for over 400 days and cook his food over dung. It’s sure to be enlightening.

Become a better Bible interpreter in the month of August

Join us at Sunday School at 9:30am for the four Sundays of August as we tackle tough passages. The principles we’ll teach you will be useful as you approach any Bible verse.

Children under 12 may find the curriculum challenging.

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Don't Skip The Genealogy

God Put It There For A Good Reason

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Genesis 10:1-32. This genealogy reveals that every human is in solidarity with every other human. Humanity is one big family. This genealogy shows us the delusion of temporary prosperity. We must work for something more than what we can see. And this genealogy reminds us of the beauty of unmerited grace. Without this genealogy, there would be no Jesus. There would be no new humanity. But thank God, there is.

Listen to the sermon.

The Bible Says What??

How to understand tough passages in Scripture

The Bible has some confusing passages in it. Yet we believe every verse helps us understand God’s redemptive plan. Every verse is there to equip us to lead lives that please God.

We want to help you be more confident as you read and interpret God’s Word.

Become a better Bible interpreter in the month of August

We begin this Sunday with Psalm 109, a prayer asking God to act rather harshly.

Join us at Sunday School at 9:30am for the four Sundays of August as we tackle tough passages. The principles we’ll teach you will be useful as you approach any Bible verse.

Children under 12 may find the curriculum challenging.

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