Pray For Youth Camp 2019

Today they head up the mountain

Our youth leaders and youth are already well on their way up to this year’s Youth Camp. We’re grateful to the volunteers and parents that are leading. We’re grateful for the young men and young women making the time for this retreat.

We invite you to join us in praying:

  1. Pray for Pastor Eric as he leads and teaches. His topic is the Trinity, out three-in-one God. Pray that He would be filled with the Spirit as he teaches and that the youth would walk away with a clearer view of our great God and Savior.

  2. Pray for youth in attendance who are not Christians, that the Lord would open their eyes to repent and believe as the gospel is proclaimed.

  3. Pray that the leaders and parents would make meaningful connections with the youth, relationships that would foster discipleship and growth.

  4. Pray for fun. Pray for laughter. It glorifies God when we enjoy the good things he has given us to enjoy.

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