7 Reasons To Be At Sunday School This Week

Every Sunday before our service, a group of adults gather for teaching and discussion. It’s old school Sunday School — adult theological training for everyday life.

We recognize not everyone is able to participate. But for those who can, here are seven good reasons to jump in this week:

  1. God’s Word directs us to grow in the knowledge of our Lord (2 Cor. 8:7; 2 Pet. 3:18).

  2. Every Christian is called to teach (Col. 3:16), which means every Christian must continue to learn.

  3. The current curriculum (www.newcitycatechism.com) covers the foundational beliefs of our faith — beliefs we should all know and be ready to explain.

  4. The teachers know God, love God, and want to serve God.

  5. The teachers know you, love you, and want to serve you.

  6. Others will offer insights you may not have considered.

  7. Others will ask questions you may not be asking.

Sundays at 9:30am in the Woman’s Club Gardens

There’s no homework. All you need to do is show up with your Bible eager to learn.

LatestChurch Staff
Our First MAN Talks

Our first MAN Talks was a success this past Saturday. Thanks to the 30+ men who joined us. A special thanks to the 4 men who gave talks: Mark, Daniel, Ben, and Luke. It was a joy to hear of the ways God has proven faithful in your life and guided you toward our church.

Check out the photos.

LatestChurch Staff
The 2019 Manly Man Award

This past Sunday, we conferred the 2019 Manly Man Award on Bobby Westphal. As a band director and musician, he received the coveted golden fluteophone.

His wife, Alie, shared a number of ways Bobby has glorified Christ by exhibiting biblical masculinity. She summed it up saying:

Bobby has a quiet strength about him. Everyone he meets recognizes in him an easy disposition and kind heart. Bobby thinks clearly and makes decisions with a level head, always seeking to serve the Lord in everything he does.

That is the Bobby we know and love. We’re grateful that God has made his life a part of ours.

LatestChurch Staff
This Is Not A Children's Story

Noah and the Flood

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached the opening verses of the story of the great flood from Genesis 6:9-22. He reminded us of this sobering truth: nobody can escape the consequences of their sin unless they get in the boat. The flood reminds us that God sees every sin and injustice, God judges everything sin touches, and God saves those who trust in His mercy.

Listen to the sermon.

MAN Talks Is Tomorrow

Our Only Men’s Event of the Year

You’ve heard of TED Talks. Tomorrow, we’re bringing you MAN Talks. A half-day with the men of Sovereign Grace Church punctuated by 4 talks from 4 men who will share stories of God’s faithfulness.

Saturday, June 15th
@ the Church Offices

We’ve got competitions and a meat-centric lunch for you. Here’s what you can bring:

  • Your beach/camping chair

  • Your game face

  • Your appetite

  • Your sons (if you have any)

  • Your friends

Make sure you park in the library parking lot right next door.

See you tomorrow.

LatestChurch Staff
Beach Camp Is Less Than A Month Away

Friends that vacation together stay together

Those who’ve been around know that each year a couple of our members attempt to secure an incredible group campsite at Refugio State Beach near Santa Barbara. This year, they got it!

Check out this write-up and you’ll see a photo of our campsite.

There’s no big program planned. This is kick-back beach camping with friends. Bonfires, swimming, kayaks, surfing, horseshoes, volleyball, fishing, hiking, and eating.

The week of July 8-15, 2019
$8 per person per night

The price includes access to stand-up paddle boards and kayaks that will be shared among the group.

Spots are limited but there are still some openings. You can come for all or part of the week.

RSVP by emailing Les and Sue. Include the following:

  1. Number of campers in your party and their names

  2. Number of vehicles you’ll be bringing (trailers count as a vehicle)

  3. Which nights you would like to camp

LatestChurch Staff
My Redeemer's Love

We are singing My Redeemer’s Love together this Sunday. Come ready to join us in magnifying the deep, wide, strong, and incomparable love of our Savior.


My Redeemer’s love is deeper 
Than the depths of sin and hell 
He who was enthroned in glory 
Came to bring us to Himself 
My Redeemer’s love is wider 
Than the breach my sins had made 
He reached down into my darkness 
He alone has pow’r to save 


Deeper than the rolling seas 
Higher than the mountain peaks 
Your love is all I need 

My Redeemer’s love is stronger 
Than my fiercest enemies 
He will hold me in the tempest 
Through the flood He carries me 
My Redeemer’s love will lead me 
Through the deepest valley here 
He will shepherd me and guide me 
He will ever keep me near 

Deeper than the rolling seas 
Higher than the mountain peaks 
Your love is all I need 
Stronger than the rushing wind 
Shattering the power of sin 
Your love is all I need 

My Redeemer’s love grows sweeter 
As eternity draws near 
I’ll enjoy His love forever 
At His throne for endless years 
My Redeemer’s love will fill me 
On the day I see His face 
I will love Him back forever 
And forever sing His praise 

Church Staff