Pray For Africa
The building where Pastor Eric and other pastors from our denomination are training 100 pastors in West Africa. Photo courtesy of Pastor Eric.

The building where Pastor Eric and other pastors from our denomination are training 100 pastors in West Africa. Photo courtesy of Pastor Eric.

On Sunday we mentioned that Pastor Eric is currently in West Africa serving a large group of local pastors. He’ll be there until Friday and would appreciate your prayer for the following:

  1. Pray that God blesses Eric, Dave, and Ben who are teaching the West African pastors this week. Pray for God to be good to their families while they’re away.

  2. Pray for refreshment, encouragement, and growth in the African pastors.

  3. Pray for wisdom as these pastors seek ways to meaningfully partner together for the good of their churches and the spread of the gospel.

  4. Pray that lost sheep in West Africa would be found through their efforts.

God, hear our prayers.

LatestDustin Smetona
What Does It Mean To Be Human?

We need to recover the glory of humanity.

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached the creation of Eve from Genesis 2:18-25. He reminded us that the glory of humanity is that we were made in God’s image, male and female, for His glory. We are the same, yet different. The union of a man and a woman in marriage beautifully displays both our sameness and our difference. And marriage points to something beyond marriage, something you don’t need to be married to experience: the love of Jesus for His bride, the church.

Listen to the sermon.

Sing In Our Easter Choir

Lead Us In Singing to Our Risen Savior

Easter Sunday is coming up on April 21. For the first time ever we’re putting together an Easter choir. You’re invited to join us!

All we require is that:

  1. You love to sing (we welcome singers of all skill levels)

  2. You can commit to a rehearsal on Saturday 4/20 at 7:00pm

  3. You can arrive by 8:30am on Easter Sunday to get ready

If you meet those requirements then fill out the interest form and we will be in touch.

LatestChurch Staff
Walk For Life

For the past few years we have partnered with Living Well Pregnancy Centers, an organization that supports men and women facing an unplanned pregnancy. In April, we have an opportunity for you to support the important work they do in our neighborhood.

2019 Walk For Life
Saturday April 27, 2019
8:30am - 11:00am

Walk For Life is a two-mile, family-friendly celebration of life that helps to raise money to support Living Well’s mission. We are gathering individuals and families who would like to participate in the walk and you are welcome to join. Learn more here:

Contact Kristin for more information and to get signed up with our group.

LatestChurch Staff
Make An Impact In South Korea

Deacon Dave is leading a team to Seoul

This summer we are partnering with Lord’s Grace Church of Seoul, South Korea and Grace Church of Clarksburg, Maryland for a short-term ministry opportunity. You will build relationships with our Korean brothers and sisters, serve them during their annual Family Camp, and even have a couple days to explore the area.

Here are the details:

  • June 3-11, 2019

  • Cost: $1700 (includes airfare, lodging, and reasonable budget for food)

  • Deadline to commit and purchase your plane ticket is Sunday 3/10/2019

To support this opportunity, the church is offering four $500 grants that will be awarded on a first come, first served basis. But you’ll have to act quickly.

I want to contact Deacon Dave and learn more.

LatestChurch Staff
Get In On A Beach Vacation

Camp with your friends

Those who’ve been around know that each year a couple of our members attempt to secure an incredible group campsite at Refugio State Beach near Santa Barbara. This year, they got it!

There’s no big program planned. This is lazy beach camping with friends. Bonfires, swimming, kayaks, surfing, horseshoes, volleyball, fishing, hiking, and eating.

The week of July 8-15, 2019
$8 per person per night

The price includes access to stand-up paddle boards and kayaks that will be shared among the group.

Spots are limited and it’s first come, first serve. You can come for all or part of the week.

RSVP by emailing Les and Sue. Include the following:

  1. Number of campers in your party and their names

  2. Number of vehicles you’ll be bringing (trailers count as a vehicle)

  3. Which nights you would like to camp

LatestChurch Staff
Pray For Pasadena's Outreach Efforts

Minister to Pasadena Without Leaving Orange

Our brothers and sisters in Pasadena are inviting their neighbors to an open house in their new facility this Sunday. Would you take a moment to pray for the following:

  1. That the neighborhood would respond to the invitations and visit on Sunday

  2. That God would bless the preaching and singing of the gospel by using it to draw Pasadenans to faith in Christ

  3. That visitors would feel welcomed and loved by the members of the church

  4. That more Pasadenans would join the church and contribute to the work God is doing there

May the joy of Jesus spread in Pasadena

LatestDustin Smetona
A Small Group Shake-Up

Your ministry to one another in small groups is prospering and growing. Praise God! Growth brings change. And change is hard, even when it’s good. But change we must, for God’s glory and our good.

Announcing Changes to Our Small Groups in Orange and Anaheim

Roger and Alice Servin have been faithfully leading one of our Old Towne Orange small groups for the past couple years. Now, they’re preparing to host and lead one in their home in Anaheim. We’re excited about this for a bunch of reasons. They’re eager to do it and we’re eager to send them to do it. If you’re in Anaheim, we encourage you to join their new group.

Dylan and Christy Sohie will be coming down from North Orange to lead a group in Old Towne.

The other two Orange groups (the Adams and Pickards) are open for new members.

You Need to Pick a Group

If you’re in an Orange small group, we need to hear from you. Whether you’re staying in your current small group or going to a new one, we need to know your plans.

If you’ve been thinking about switching, now is your chance. If you’ve been driving past a small group to get to yours, we ask you to consider joining the group closer to home. If you haven’t yet joined a group, now is the perfect time.

If a group gets too big, we reserve the right to cap it and ask you to join another one.

How Should You Pick a Group?

A few recommendations:

  1. Pray. God is the best guide.

  2. Pick a group close to your home. Geography is our organizing principle. You have the best opportunity to build relationally with people who live nearby.

  3. Consult people your trust. Talk to your current small group leader and your friends at church. Talk to your pastors. Ask for input.


Small groups will be discussing this in their next meetings. The deadline to notify the church office of your plans is Friday, March 22nd. Let us know by filling out the form below. The new groups will launch the first week of April.

Thanks for giving your lives to God and to each other.

“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
-John 13:35

LatestChurch Staff