New Giving Platform For A New Year

You Want To Give
We Want To Make It Easy

By God’s grace, our church is filled with generous people - men and women whose gratitude to God overflows in generosity. You give your time, your affection, your gifts. You give your lives. Thank you.

You also support the church by giving financially. We want to make that even easier on you, so we’ve switched to a new giving platform: PCO Giving.

You will be able to setup an account, schedule recurring donations, and easily track and export your giving.

Get Registered and Set Up

Head to and click the “Give Now” button. Once there, click the “Login” button at the top and follow the instructions to setup your account. This will make using the features much easier.

(If you’ve been using our old system, it will be disconnected in the next month. Make sure you get switched over to the new system as soon as possible.)

LatestChurch Staff
Send Us Your Photos

Picturing God's Work Among Us

Photos help us capture significant moments in our life together. They remind us of the good things God has done in our church. They tell the story of our church to our friends and guests.

Help Us Capture More

You're invited to send us your photos. When you're at our services, events, and small group meetings, snap pictures. Photos of people are the best. You don't have to be a professional.

To make it easy on you, all you need to do is email them to our photo account.

Youth Group This Week

All junior and senior high students are invited to join our Youth Group this Thursday night. Pastor Eric leads the discussion. Your friends are invited.



This week our topic is the Bible.

Who really owns the Bible?
Should we only use the King James Version?
Are special interest groups suppressing accurate translations?


Email Lisa B for more info and directions.

Why Small Groups?


Small Groups are not one ministry in the life of our church, they are the ministry. Like breathing, these groups provide oxygen to our relationships with one another. They facilitate discipleship. They provide a context for us to help one another become more like Jesus.

We’ve begun a short blog series on the question, “Why small groups?” This is the next installment.


“The soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.” -1 Samuel 18:1

The desire to be known and loved is at the core of what it means to be human. God made us this way. We were designed for deep, satisfying relationship with Him and with others. Friendship. Friendship with God and friendship with our fellow man.

But even now we struggle to sense the love God has for us and the love others have for us.

Our sin has spoiled this.

Our redemption in Christ is restoring it.

Meaningful friendships in the church are one way God teaches us about friendship with Him while making the church a reflection of what humanity is meant to be: a society of people who love God and each other.

Small Groups are our strategy for cultivating deep friendships. These are people to know and be known by. These are people you can “love as your own soul” like Jonathan did with David. Friendships like these are the sweet, satisfying fruit of the gospel.

Ok, I’m ready to join a small group.

LatestChurch Staff
See The Unseen In Our Community

God Loves The People On The Margins

The County of Orange is requesting volunteers to participate in their biennial count of those experiencing homelessness in our neighborhoods. There are a variety of ways to serve. The dates they need people are January 23 and 24.

Our brothers and sisters at Sovereign Grace Church of Santa Ana are participating. Let’s take the opportunity to better know our neighbors who are often unknown.

Sign-up to volunteer here.

Church Staff
A Joyful Church

Genuine Christians With Genuine Joy

On Sunday, Pastor Dustin preached from John 15:1-11 beginning a 4-week sermon series on the culture of our church. What kind of church is Sovereign Grace? A community of joy. We exhibit the joy of Jesus in many ways: our songs, our smiles, our perseverance, our love for one another. It’s not fake, happy-clappy joy. It’s deep-seated and indestructible. Let’s exhibit it all the more.

Listen to the sermon.

Resource Recommendations from the sermon:

Manage Your Money For God's Glory In 2019

Manage your money or it will manage you.

Once a year we offer a course on the biblical principles of financial stewardship. The classes are conducted in a small group setting, using a discussion format and curriculum adapted from Crown Ministries and Money and the Gospel.

8 classes, every other Tuesday, beginning February 5th.

Les and Sue lead the class. Check out testimonies of members who’ve been impacted by it here and here.

Materials cost $30 per person or $55 per couple. Scholarships are available. The registration deadline is January 15th.

Sign me up.