Church Budget

We publish updates on our financial status throughout the year. A final annual report is published every Fall.

These figures represent the grace of God at work in the members and friends of our local church. It's unmistakable. God is being kind towards us and we want to thank Him and you.

Thank you.

Of course, numbers are only a small fraction of all the way our church is contributing to the ministry of our church. Wouldn't it be great if we could publish a monthly report on your generous affections for one another? Or all the hours you spend together? Thank you for living no longer for yourselves but for God and your neighbor!

May the accounting of His provisions encourage your faith. Please continue to pray that we would steward it all for the advance of His gospel and the good of His church.

Sept 1st 2017 - June 30th 2018

$ 239,432 Contributions

$ 235,425 Expenses

Questions? Please contact a member of our Finance Committee.

Church Staff
Sing A New Song This Sunday


The glory of God's grace in Jesus Christ never ceases to amaze us. That's why we continue to write and sing new songs about it. We sing a new one in our service this week. 


Lord, forgive us for our pride
When our faith becomes a show
Dressed in righteous deeds to hide
All the stains below
We have judged Your sons and daughters
For the sin that is our own
May we now forgive each other
And lay down our stones

Forgiven, forgiven
Through the blood of Christ
We are forgiven

Lord, forgive us for our love
Of the things we wish to own
We forsake the feast above
For all the crumbs below
Though You’ve made us sons and daughters
We do not the world disown
May we find our greatest treasure
Is in You alone

Lord, forgive us for our shame
When we can’t release the past
When we’re quick to take the blame
But forget we’re free at last
We avoid Your sons and daughters
For the fear we don’t belong
Give us eyes to see each other
Through Your only Son

Church Staff
Pray For Your Small Group Leaders

Our small group ministry isn't just one option among many ministries of the church, this is THE ministry.


Our life together is organized into two primary contexts. Our big meetings are Sunday services. Our small meetings are small groups. This is where we get to pursue one another and grow in our understanding of the gospel and its application in our lives.

Without small groups, we wouldn't be able to love one another because we wouldn't know one another. 


They are meeting tonight and covet your prayers for God to use them and equip them as they lead our small groups.

Let's Keep Our Opinions To Ourselves

In our preaching series through Romans we have now come to chapter 14. In this famous section the Apostle Paul tells Christians that God loves our unity more than our opinions. One of the implications is that we should often keep our opinions on disputable, grey-area matters to ourselves.


To help us do that, we recommend taking a look at this blog post by Andy Naselli. In it, he summarizes a chapter from Jerry Bridges' excellent book Respectable Sins

Take the time to examine your own heart and life. In which areas do you find yourself looking down on others who differ with you? Ask God to help you identify those areas and make the necessary changes. It brings God glory and strengthens our union as a church.



Church Staff
Two Tales Of One City
Photo by I Heart Old Towne Orange.

Photo by I Heart Old Towne Orange.

Editor's Note: I Heart Old Towne Orange is a blog devoted to our favorite city. The following post is taken from an interview they hosted between two residents of Old Towne Orange. One is a college student who's been here for a couple years and the other has been here her entire life. You can read the original post here.


I Heart OTO: What is your name? How many years have you been living in Old Towne Orange?

Marshall: My name is Marshall. I moved to Old Towne Orange for college in 2016 and have been living here for two and a half years.

Suzanne: My name is Suzanne and I have been living here for 66 years!

I Heart OTO: What is your first memory of seeing Old Towne Orange?

Marshall: My first memory of seeing OTO was when I visited in late November during senior year of high school. After my Chapman tour, I looked up places to eat, which naturally brought me to the circle. I believe the holiday decorations were up and I couldn’t help but be in awe of how Glassell Street looked like Main Street USA in Disneyland. It was perfect. I think I Instagrammed a picture of Old Towne Orange with the caption, “It’s perfect.”

Suzanne: My first memory of Old Towne Orange is my father had a liquor store which was his first business. We would go down to Old Towne and visit him on the weekends. I don't remember if it was open on Sundays but I always liked to see my dad at work. And we lived in a big orange grove - we used to play there all the time.

I Heart OTO: What is your favorite thing about living in OTO?

Marshall: My favorite thing about living in Old Towne is the community. We all love living here and feel a great sense of pride in it. The town brings people together. It's for older people, college students, younger children, visitors, and first-timers, like I recently was. From the International Street Fair to Treats in the Streets, everything and everyone is working to bring the community together.

Suzanne: The thing I like about Orange is it's a community center. It's where everyone goes to meet. Also, it's becoming a lot more sophisticated with the college and everything Chapman is bringing. And it's diverse, ya know, it has the hills and the downtown. 

I Heart OTO: What has changed the most since you have been living here?

Marshall: The biggest change I have noticed is the addition of amazing food establishments which are very popular and seem to be boosting the economy of Old Towne. I was so excited for T-Milk and Impact Juice Bar and am so excited for Urth Caffe and Snooze! YAY!

Suzanne: I think the number of people. When I grew up, it was all orange groves and Chapman Avenue was lined with walnut trees. It was mostly farms and much more rural. It has just built up so much.

I Heart OTO: What is your favorite OTO tradition?

MarshallThere are so many I love but to be honest, I love when the holiday decorations go up in late November! They are perfect for photos!

Suzanne: One of my favorite things ever was the May Festival. It was a big celebration and on the Wednesday before May Festival, the children got to do the kiddie parade and I participated in that. It was just a little hometown parade, but later band competitions started coming down. Oh, and they have the undie run at Chapman which is huge! 

I Heart OTO: What is your hope for the future of Old Towne Orange?

Marshall: I hope Old Towne Orange stays charming, stays bright, and invites more people to explore its streets each year. I Heart Old Towne Orange.

Suzanne: I just hope that it doesn't lose the charm and it stays community-based. It's the center of Orange and you always have a place to go. The charm about it makes it so special. There's a lot of criticism about Chapman, but what comes with that is life. College towns bring life to the town! I like Chapman because they have been really great to my family. And they have fixed up properties and done a lot for the community.

Church Staff
Join Us For A Concert At Hart Park


Every summer our city hosts Concerts in the Park. Bands from all over Orange County invade Hart Park every Wednesday evening from 7:00-8:30pm.

We'll be there. Bring a chair, a blanket, some snacks. Come enjoy the city of Orange on a warm summer night with friends.


Help Us Bless Families In Our Neighborhoods

You love the Lord and you love your neighbors. We have a unique opportunity for you to give this love a concrete expression.

11:00AM - 1:00PM

We are partnering with Olive Crest to host a BBQ for their foster families. There will be food and fun for the kids. Our aim is to bless these families who are caring for the kids in need in our community.


A team of volunteers are needed for setup, teardown, food prep, and entertaining the kids. 

Dylan is leading and organizing. Contact him to RSVP and get more details.

Kevin And Katie Became Members


We are both glad and humbled every time a person says, "I want to join in on what God is doing at Sovereign Grace Church." That's what membership is. An opportunity for the church and the individual to say clearly, "We are in this together as long as the Lord allows." 

On Sunday we welcomed two folks we love dearly as members of Sovereign Grace Church. Kevin has been around for 8 years and Katie is coming up on one year.

Kevin thanked Sovereign Grace for loving him through the ups and downs of his Christian walk.
Katie thanked the church for welcoming her with open arms. 

All of us rejoiced as God weaved them into the fabric of our church.