Posts in Community
Send Us Your Photos

Picturing God's Work Among Us

Photos help us capture significant moments in our life together. They remind us of the good things God has done in our church. They tell the story of our church to our friends and guests.

Help Us Capture More

We invite you to send us your photos. When you're at our services, events, and small group meetings, snap pictures. Photos of people are the best. You don't have to be a professional.

To make it easy on you, all you need to do is email them to our photo account.

Pray For Our Small Groups

6 Small Groups
12 Meetings Per Month
Many Lives Impacted

Our small groups are the backbone of our community life. It's here that we grow as followers of Jesus in the stuff of everyday life. We listen to one another. We pray for one another. We offer godly counsel to one another. We meet one another's needs.

(If you haven’t yet joined one, get an invite here.)

Our groups are led by and filled with church members. People who love Jesus and want to grow in His grace. They meet twice each month on either a Wednesday or Friday evening.

Pray for Them

What happens in these meetings is so important. We want God to be at work. Join us in praying:

Pickard Group - Orange
Sohie Group - Orange
Adam Group - Orange
Servin Group - Anaheim
Card Group - Tustin
Christensen Group - Irvine

Send Us Your Photos

Picturing God's Work Among Us

Photos help us capture significant moments in our life together. They remind us of the good things God has done in our church. They tell the story of our church to our friends and guests.

Help Us Capture More

You're invited to send us your photos. When you're at our services, events, and small group meetings, snap pictures. Photos of people are the best. You don't have to be a professional.

To make it easy on you, all you need to do is email them to our photo account.

Street Fair Time Lapse

The Street Fair in 3 Minutes

Cheers to I Heart Old Towne Orange for this time lapse and drone footage of the 2018 Orange International Street Fair.

It Is A Privilege To Lead Sovereign Grace Church

Leadership Retreat 2018 is in the books.

God met our leaders as they engaged in a marathon 12-hour meeting this past Saturday. Thank you for sending them and praying for them. May God bless our ministry in Orange, Santa Ana, and beyond this coming year.

A big thank you to our brothers and sisters at Trabuco Canyon Community Church for hosting the retreat.

Patio Takeovers In Old Towne Orange

Old Towne Orange has no shortage of great places to eat. And any given Sunday after church you can find members of our church building community over lunch (the picture above is case in point).

Don't Waste Your Lunch

It's tempting to race home after church each Sunday. Kids are hungry and tired. Adults are hungry and tired. We get it.

But the lunch hour on Sunday is an opportunity to make connections and deepen friendships. Capitalize on it. Invite someone to lunch. Find a group that's heading out. Invite someone over to your house for lunch. Use those couple hours after the service to love one another (John 13:34) and show hospitality (Rom. 12:13). It pleases God and it strengthens the church.

We Said "Good Pie" To Good Friends


Christian, Leah, and their daughter Cana are relocating to Northern California. On Wednesday, their small group hosted a "good pie" party to send them off with our affection. We are sad to see them go but trust that the Lord is at work. May He use them to serve His purposes in their new city.