Posts tagged worship leaders
Calling All Musicians

We’re building a company of joyful musicians

Whether you're just starting to strum the 4 chords you know on the guitar or you're a classically-trained pianist, come play with the worship team during our once-per-month rehearsal. The entire worship team is there. We learn about worship, we work on our musicianship, and we grow as a team.

You can just observe. You can jump in and play or sing along. Ask for help on your instrument. You are welcome to participate in whatever way would serve you best.

If you've ever wondered about serving on the worship team, this is for you.
If you just want to come and jam, this is for you.

Thursday 6/13/2019
7pm-9pm in Orange

Contact Pastor Dustin for more details.

A Jam Session Open To All Musicians

The worship team exists to lead the church in singing the gospel for God's glory and our joy. In doing this, we want to make musicians who love the Lord and want to use their musical gifts in service to the church. That's where you come in.

Musicians of all ages and skill levels are invited to join us the 2nd Thursday of each month to play.

Whether you're just starting to strum the 4 chords you know on the guitar or you're a classically-trained pianist, you're invited to come play with us during our once-per-month rehearsal. The entire worship team is there. We learn about worship, we work on our musicianship, and we grow as a team.

You can just observe. You can jump in and play along. Ask for help on your instrument. You are welcome to participate however you like. 

If you've ever wondered about serving on the worship team, this is for you.
If you've never thought about serving on the team but are a musician and want the opportunity to play, this is for you. 

The next one is happening Thursday 2/14/2019 from 7pm-9pm in Orange.

Contact Pastor Dustin for more details.

Calling All Musicians

All musicians are invited to join the worship team next Thursday night.

Whether you're just starting to strum the 4 chords you know on the guitar or you're a classically-trained pianist, come play with us during our once-per-month rehearsal. The entire worship team is there. We learn about worship, we work on our musicianship, and we grow as a team.

You can just observe. You can jump in and play along. Ask for help on your instrument. You are welcome to participate however you like.

If you've ever wondered about serving on the worship team, this is for you.
If you just want to come and jam, this is for you.

Thursday 11/8/2018
7pm-9pm in Orange

Contact Pastor Dustin for more details.

Calling All Musicians

All musicians are invited to join the worship team this Thursday night.

Whether you're just starting to strum the 4 chords you know on the guitar or you're a classically-trained pianist, come play with us during our once-per-month rehearsal. The entire worship team is there. We learn about worship, we work on our musicianship, and we grow as a team.

You can just observe. You can jump in and play along. Ask for help on your instrument. You are welcome to participate however you like.

If you've ever wondered about serving on the worship team, this is for you.
If you just want to come and jam, this is for you.

This Thursday 10/11/2018 from 7pm-9pm in Orange.

Contact Pastor Dustin for more details.

Pray For Our Musicians

Tomorrow, our worship team hosts their annual bandcamp. A full day of praying, learning, and, of course, friendly competition. Singing every Sunday at Sovereign Grace is so enjoyable because of their undistracting leadership. We are grateful to God for their commitment to serve us every week.

As they meet tomorrow, here are few things you can be praying:

  1. That God would fill them with greater affections for Jesus.

  2. That God would grow their friendships and appreciation for one another.

  3. That God would bless their service and skills as musicians.

  4. That God would add more members with new and diverse talents to the team.

  5. That God would continue to meet us through singing on Sundays.

Training Another Worship Leader

Wes Hanson

We've already trained Nate and Mike. Now Wes is beginning a 1-year Worship Leader Apprenticeship to develop the skills to lead congregational singing. He'll be studying, learning, playing, and leading. We're grateful he's making this investment to grow as leader who skillfully leads the church to sing God-exalting, Christ-centered songs.

A few things for you, Sovereign Grace Church:

  1. As you see Wes leading, encourage and pray for him.
  2. Pray also that God would bring us more musicians who want to be trained to lead. We want to see churches singing gospel-centered songs all over Orange County. We will need more trained and equipped worship leaders in order for this to happen.
  3. Consider if God might be calling you to serve in this capacity. We are looking for people who want to be trained. If you are interested, email Dustin Smetona.
Musicians Who Love Jesus More Than Music

Our worship team meets once per month for fellowship, teaching, and to grow in their musicianship. Their monthly meeting for August happens this Thursday and will even include auditions. (P.S. If you're still interested in auditioning, please sign up right away!)

We love singing to our Savior and are grateful for the hours they put in to lead us each week.