Posts tagged training leaders
Training Another Worship Leader

Wes Hanson

We've already trained Nate and Mike. Now Wes is beginning a 1-year Worship Leader Apprenticeship to develop the skills to lead congregational singing. He'll be studying, learning, playing, and leading. We're grateful he's making this investment to grow as leader who skillfully leads the church to sing God-exalting, Christ-centered songs.

A few things for you, Sovereign Grace Church:

  1. As you see Wes leading, encourage and pray for him.
  2. Pray also that God would bring us more musicians who want to be trained to lead. We want to see churches singing gospel-centered songs all over Orange County. We will need more trained and equipped worship leaders in order for this to happen.
  3. Consider if God might be calling you to serve in this capacity. We are looking for people who want to be trained. If you are interested, email Dustin Smetona.
Dylan's Internship Proposal

We are a disciple-making church, and this includes discipling future church leaders and servants. As God gives us men and women to equip for ministry, we commit our resources to train, test, evaluate, and deploy them. Learn more about how we develop leaders.

A Big Opportunity

On Sunday at our members' meeting, the pastoral team announced that they have offered Dylan Sohie an 11-month internship beginning in September 2018. Dylan and his wife Christy came to the church over seven years ago. Dylan has faithfully served and his opportunities are growing. The pastors sense that now is a critical time for him to receive training and evaluation.

You Have A Part to Play

Dylan and the pastoral team need your prayers, encouragement, and input. It takes a whole church to train a leader. Be ready to engage.