New Opportunities To Serve

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace.”
1 Peter 4:10, ESV

We know you love to serve. God has put it on your hearts. And we want to make it easy to connect you with opportunities to meaningfully bless our congregation.

Currently, we could use extra help in a few specific areas that are listed below. If you’re interested in any of these, contact Pastor Dustin and he will work with you.

  • Sunday Teams - making sure our service happens each week! Setting up, cleaning up, and tearing down.

  • Ushers - smiling faces that make sure each guest is greeted and provided the information they need to take advantage of our service.

  • Sunday Childcare - an opportunity to serve our families with little ones so that they can engage in our services. We’re also asking God to help us identify another leader for our Children’s Ministry Leadership Team.

If you aren’t sure you’re a fit for any of these but still want to serve, contact Pastor Dustin anyway so that he can help you.

May Christ continue to bless our loving, sacrificial service of His church.

LatestChurch Staff
Be A Part Of Our Gospel Partnership

We Love Sovereign Grace Churches

As you may know, our church is part of Sovereign Grace Churches. This denominational partnership is rich, providing ongoing training and support for our pastors, cooperation in the mission of the gospel, and encouragement as we see God working in like-minded churches around the globe.

Take a few minutes to be refreshed by the work God is doing in Prattville, AL through a partner church.

As a church, we contribute financially to the work of Sovereign Grace Churches. By supporting us, you’re supporting them too.

But consider the opportunity to give more. God may call you just to pray. He may also call you to give. Ask Him for clarity and then respond with generosity.

Learn more and give here.

LatestChurch Staff
Easter 2021 Photos

Our Easter photobooth photos are available for your viewing pleasure! Thank you for worshipping the risen Christ with us. Thank you to our volunteers for making it a memorable service. Thank you to our Savior for giving us new life.

Check out the photos here.

LatestChurch Staff
You Must Be Born Again

A Supernatural Spiritual Awakening

On Resurrection Sunday Pastor Eric preached from John 3:1-15. “Born again” has all but disappeared from our vocabulary. But Jesus said, “You must be born again.” Christianity begins with the sovereign grace of God and leads to everlasting life. The future comes into the present when God’s saving power awakens new life in our souls. It’s spiritual resurrection. Have you been born again? If yes, then celebrate. If not, then call upon Christ.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
Celebrating Our New Life In Christ

Can you believe Resurrection Sunday is two days away? Praise God, it is! And we can’t wait to celebrate with you.

Easter on Zoom last year was unsatisfying. We’re grateful to God we can meet in-person this year. As we do every Sunday, we will pray, sing, fellowship, and proclaim the gospel of our risen and reigning King.

Donut Hour at 9:30am
Service at 10:30am
Woman’s Club Gardens

Come for donut hour before the service to enjoy all-you-can-eat donuts and coffee with us. Take a photo at our photo booth to help us mark the moment. Then we’ll worship together. Your family, friends, and neighbors are invited.

Together, let’s make this a joy-filled, glorious celebration of our new life in Christ!

LatestChurch Staff
The Darkest Day In History

“The cross is a station on the way back to the glory that Jesus had before…The spiritual reality of glory being brought to the Father at the cross overrides any physical suffering He had to endure.”
Andreas Köstenberger

Let two Bible scholars help you meditate on the suffering and the accomplishments of Christ’s cross this Good Friday. Watch this four-and-a-half-minute video on the final days of Jesus.

“After this, Jesus, knowing that all was now finished, said (to fulfill the Scripture), ‘I thirst.’ A jar full of sour wine stood there, so they put a sponge full of the sour wine on a hyssop branch and held it to his mouth. When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, ‘It is finished,’ and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.”
John 19:28-30

Hallelujah, what a Savior!

LatestChurch Staff
A New Seating Arrangement For Sunday

We’re rotating and adding chairs

The garden is going to look different this week. The pulpit will be in front of the arch and we’ll have rows of chairs spaced 6-feet apart.

The Rule of Two

You have a part to play in helping us maintain physical distance. The new “rule of two” means we all need to keep two chairs between our household and the next one. Ushers will be available to help you get situated. Don’t hesitate to ask for help.

Why the change?

These alterations will help us fit more chairs into the garden. The last few Sundays we’ve been nearly overflowing and more seats are needed.

This setup also more closely resembles our indoor layout (though we don’t yet know when we’ll be back inside). We’re starting to adjust for that now.

Thanks for prioritizing our Sunday gathering and helping us serve everyone who attends. We can’t wait to see you on Sunday!

LatestChurch Staff
Two Days Away

Youth Group Kicks off this week!
April 1st

Our youth are gathering together for fellowship and discipleship.

All Junior and Senior High students are welcome to participate. Invite your friends. It’s led and hosted by Pastor Eric in his backyard.

April - July 2021
First Thursdays of the Month

Contact Pastor Eric with any questions.

Let’s all pray that our youth know, love, and serve Christ.

LatestChurch Staff