A New Seating Arrangement For Sunday

We’re rotating and adding chairs

The garden is going to look different this week. The pulpit will be in front of the arch and we’ll have rows of chairs spaced 6-feet apart.

The Rule of Two

You have a part to play in helping us maintain physical distance. The new “rule of two” means we all need to keep two chairs between our household and the next one. Ushers will be available to help you get situated. Don’t hesitate to ask for help.

Why the change?

These alterations will help us fit more chairs into the garden. The last few Sundays we’ve been nearly overflowing and more seats are needed.

This setup also more closely resembles our indoor layout (though we don’t yet know when we’ll be back inside). We’re starting to adjust for that now.

Thanks for prioritizing our Sunday gathering and helping us serve everyone who attends. We can’t wait to see you on Sunday!

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