A Crucial Way to Serve Our Unity

Extend Forgiveness

On Sunday, Deacon Dave Christensen preached from Ephesians 4:31-32. He called us to love our forgiveness, embrace our new life, and extend forgiveness to one another. As we labor together, sin will inevitably seek to divide us as a church. But we are forgiven sinners who forgive sin. And as we make peace with one another, we grow together into the likeness of our Savior.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
An Easter Celebration

Can you believe Easter is next Sunday? A year ago, we anticipated that Easter would be our first in-person service after a brief break. How wrong we were.

But missing Resurrection Sunday last year only heightens our excitement for it this year. We will celebrate our Risen and Reigning King. We will host our world-famous all-you-can-eat-donut buffet. We will take photos at our photo booth to mark the moment.

Easter Sunday (4.4.2021)
at 9:30am
Woman’s Club Gardens

Come for donut hour before the service to enjoy fellowship with us over donuts and coffee. Then we’ll worship the Lord together. All are invited.

LatestChurch Staff
This Is No April Fool's Joke

Youth Group Kicks off April 1st!

Our campaign to restart church ministries continues. Next up is youth group!

All Junior and Senior High students are welcome to participate. Invite your friends. It’s led and hosted by Pastor Eric in his backyard. More details are forthcoming. For now, mark your calendars:

April - July 2021
First Thursdays of the Month

Contact Pastor Eric with any questions.

May our youth know, love, and serve Christ.

Church Staff
The More The Merrier

God Moves When We Pray

Add your voice to ours at the prayer meeting this Thursday. Details are right here. While we all have different gifts and roles, one thing we’re all called to do is pray. So refresh our hearts by joining us for 1 hour on Thursday night.

LatestChurch Staff
A United Church

Stewarding God’s Gift of Unity

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from Ephesians 4:1-16. He reminded us that the unity of our church is a gift, a responsibility, and a goal. Christ has broken down the dividing wall of hostility between us. Now, we work to preserve and promote the precious unity for which our Savior died. It isn’t easy. But God is using each of our efforts to grow us in unity until we reach maturity.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
The Grace-Ometer of Our Church
Prayer Meetings 2021.png

“The condition of the church may be very accurately gauged by its prayer meetings. So is the prayer meeting a grace-ometer, and from it we may judge of the amount of divine working among a people. If God be near a church, it must pray. And if He be not there, one of the first tokens of His absence will be slothfulness in prayer.”
– C.H. Spurgeon

There are few things more important for a church than to pray together. As Christians, we’re pardoned, accepted, and welcomed into our Father’s presence. He hears our prayers and responds. Join us to pray and experience fresh grace from God.

Next Thursday 3/25/2021
Old Towne Orange

Get all the details right here and join us.

*Sync with our master calendar to make sure you never miss a meeting.

LatestChurch Staff
There Can Only Be One Main Thing

We love to celebrate our partnership with Sovereign Grace Churches. The influence of the leaders in our denomination has profoundly impacted our lives and our church.

You have the opportunity to hear a message from Sovereign Grace’s founder, CJ Mahaney, that was formative in our commitment to be gospel-centered. The message is entitled, “The Main Thing.” The audio and outline are in the links below.

We encourage you to set aside the time to listen. Whether it’s during your commute or while you do chores around the house, listen in and join us in our commitment to keep Christ and him crucified the main thing.

“The Cross is the blazing fire at which the flame of our love is kindled, but we have to get near enough for its sparks to fall on us.”
-John Stott

The Main Thing, Part 1 audio
The Main Thing, Part 2 audio
The Main Thing outline

LatestChurch Staff
Youth Group is Back

In our campaign to restart church ministries continues. Next up is youth group!

All Junior and Senior High students are welcome to participate. Invite your friends. It’s led and hosted by Pastor Eric in his backyard. More details are forthcoming. For now, mark your calendars:

April - July 2021
First Thursdays of the Month

Contact Pastor Eric with any questions.

May our youth love, know, and serve Christ.

LatestChurch Staff