New Opportunities To Serve

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace.”
1 Peter 4:10, ESV

We know you love to serve. God has put it on your hearts. And we want to make it easy to connect you with opportunities to meaningfully bless our congregation.

Currently, we could use extra help in a few specific areas that are listed below. If you’re interested in any of these, contact Pastor Dustin and he will work with you.

  • Sunday Teams - making sure our service happens each week! Setting up, cleaning up, and tearing down.

  • Ushers - smiling faces that make sure each guest is greeted and provided the information they need to take advantage of our service.

  • Sunday Childcare - an opportunity to serve our families with little ones so that they can engage in our services. We’re also asking God to help us identify another leader for our Children’s Ministry Leadership Team.

If you aren’t sure you’re a fit for any of these but still want to serve, contact Pastor Dustin anyway so that he can help you.

May Christ continue to bless our loving, sacrificial service of His church.

LatestChurch Staff