Posts in Community
We Want To Tell Your Story

We love Sundays because the church is all in one place. We are serving. We are singing. We are ministering to one another. We get to see it and experience it. What a joy.

But being a Christian is a full-time job. You are serving and representing Jesus all week in your homes, workplaces, and neighborhoods.

We Want To Know About It

We want to know how you are serving Christ the other six days of the week and tell your story on the blog. This will encourage us and bring glory to God.

If you're willing to write a paragraph or two to be shared, you can find instructions and submit here. If you want to see an example to get inspired, check out Rachel's story.

Thank You For Sharing Your Life In Christ With Us

Eat Lunch With Us This Sunday

This Sunday is one of our regularly scheduled plaza invasions. If you’re planning to eat lunch then you are invited. Following our worship service, we will head to Plaza Park for lunch.

Plan to either bring your lunch with you to church, purchase take out at any of the restaurants in Old Towne Orange, or take advantage of our world famous Buck-O-Slice Pizza. If you're our guest, pizza is on us.

We'll have blankets to sit on but please feel free to bring folding chairs. Tell your friends this is the most delicious Sunday to visit Sovereign Grace.

Christy Graduates From College

A Job Well Done

This weekend Christy graduates from college with a degree in graphic design. She's been working on her degree over the past few years while being wife to Dylan, working a job, and serving the church in various capacities (hosting and leading Tea.ology, small group ministry, photographing our events, and more). We're grateful for her life of joyful service.

We asked Christy to share a few thoughts as this season comes to a close. Here's what she said:

I've learned many things over the course of my college career in graphic design. Some been silly, like making sure Rob is the one working at the 24/7 FedEx Print Center when you have to go in at 2:00am to finish a project. Other things have been career-focused: graphic design is much more than simply creating pretty page layouts.

Still, there are several things which I humbly admit I never ended up figuring out - that is, how to prioritize my time so that I am able to "do everything," as some friends think I do.

Despite all this, the truth that has reverberated so clearly in my heart and mind throughout these years is that the Lord is faithful and so, so good. He has never ceased to provide for my family, kindly sustaining us and opening doors that we didn't even know were there. When my heart was tempted to feel discouraged by my performance, the Lord so quickly reminded me that my confidence and salvation are in Him alone. College was a great experience and a true gift, but as the Lord is bringing this season to a close, I find myself most grateful for Him. 

Pray For Our Small Groups

8 Small Groups
16 Meetings Per Month
Many Lives Impacted

Our small groups are the backbone of our community life. It's here that we grow as followers of Jesus in the stuff of everyday life. We listen to each other. We pray for one another. We offer godly counsel to each other. We meet one another's needs.

Our groups are led by and filled with church members. People who love Jesus and want to grow in Him. They meet twice each month on either a Wednesday or Friday evening.

Pray for Them

What happens in these meetings is so important. We want God to be at work. Join us in praying:

Card Group - Tustin
Pickard Group - Orange
Servin Group - Orange

Adam Group - Orange
Christensen Group - Irvine
Erkelens Group - Santa Ana
Houlton Group - Santa Ana
Sohie Group - Orange

Kara and Sue's Testimonies

This past Sunday we heard from two women with two very different stories who have both seen God's grace at Sovereign Grace Church. They set out to encourage the women of our church on Mother's Day. Here they are in their own words.


I have been attending Sovereign Grace for the past three and a half years and have seen God’s grace through pretty much every woman I know. These women are not perfect-including myself--but they seek after God. Whether it is a woman learning the ropes of motherhood or a woman trying to figure out what’s next in her career, God uses those who've already been there. There is encouragement when one comes upon trials, worries, or hardships. But there is so much rejoicing from literally everyone when prayers are answered, fears are eased, and God’s righteousness shines through our lives.

God has given the women of Sovereign Grace the gift of forgiveness, encouragement, courage, and strength--to name a couple. There is joy in my life knowing that the Lord has placed these women in this chapter of my life. They must be pretty important if they’re written into it because God could’ve picked anyone and he picked all of you. If you’re new, get to know them, if you’re married to one, pray for them, and know that they are an incredible gift from God.


I sat around a kitchen table with a group of women a few weeks ago. We were candidly talking about our lives and our struggles. Not in these exact words, but each of us expressed a desire to persevere. The question is, how do we get through each day? How do we persevere?

There are so many scriptures that address this. We’re encouraged to run, be patient, to wait, suffer, not be weary, and not give up. I love John 15:5, which says: "I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, 
he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing."

As women, some of us are:

Looking for wisdom as parents.
Feeling the weight of caring for others.
Trying to extend grace to imperfect people.
Praying that the Lord would bring the right guy into our life.
Looking for a job with a future.
Burdened with financial problems.
Asking God to bless us with a child.
Barely hanging on in a battle against sin.
Working toward academic or professional success while being fully devoted to God.
Wondering if the morning sickness will ever end.
And some of us can’t remember the last time she had a full night sleep or a coherent thought but still aspire to function with endless compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, oh and creativity too.

Perseverance looks different for each one of us but the source of our ability to endure without yielding is the same. It’s all about abiding in Jesus Christ. Apart from
him we can do nothing, but as we abide in Christ, by God’s grace we will persevere.

Stephanie's Testimony

We are blessed to be in a church where women take the initiative to disciple other women. Our February Women's Retreat was the most recent expression of this commitment.

On Sunday Stephanie shared how the Lord met her at the retreat. Here it is in her own words:

At the end of February, I had the opportunity to attend my first women’s retreat with Sovereign Grace Church and I loved it! It was so nice to spend time in prayer, singing, Bible reading, and fellowship with the women of this church. 

The theme was Drawing Near To God and the teaching was centered on a series of activities that could guide our quiet times and devotionals, such as confession, praise, petition, intercession, and thanksgiving.

So when the retreat began with "God is not impressed with our quiet times”, I was really taken aback by this truth. It is so easy to get caught up in thinking that somehow quiet times and spiritual disciplines will earn God's favor, but this is so far from the truth. 

At the women's retreat, I was reminded that quiet times are a means of grace, not to grace. God is not impressed with our quiet times, but as Hebrews 4:16 says we can “…With confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need."

Send Us Your Photos

Picturing God's Work Among Us

Photos help us capture significant moments in our life together. They remind us of the good things God has done in our church. They tell the story of our church to our friends and guests.

Help Us Capture More

You're invited to send us your photos. When you're at our services, events, and small group meetings, snap pictures. Photos of people are the best. You don't have to be a professional.

To make it easy on you, all you need to do is email them to our photo account.