Posts tagged mother
Kara and Sue's Testimonies

This past Sunday we heard from two women with two very different stories who have both seen God's grace at Sovereign Grace Church. They set out to encourage the women of our church on Mother's Day. Here they are in their own words.


I have been attending Sovereign Grace for the past three and a half years and have seen God’s grace through pretty much every woman I know. These women are not perfect-including myself--but they seek after God. Whether it is a woman learning the ropes of motherhood or a woman trying to figure out what’s next in her career, God uses those who've already been there. There is encouragement when one comes upon trials, worries, or hardships. But there is so much rejoicing from literally everyone when prayers are answered, fears are eased, and God’s righteousness shines through our lives.

God has given the women of Sovereign Grace the gift of forgiveness, encouragement, courage, and strength--to name a couple. There is joy in my life knowing that the Lord has placed these women in this chapter of my life. They must be pretty important if they’re written into it because God could’ve picked anyone and he picked all of you. If you’re new, get to know them, if you’re married to one, pray for them, and know that they are an incredible gift from God.


I sat around a kitchen table with a group of women a few weeks ago. We were candidly talking about our lives and our struggles. Not in these exact words, but each of us expressed a desire to persevere. The question is, how do we get through each day? How do we persevere?

There are so many scriptures that address this. We’re encouraged to run, be patient, to wait, suffer, not be weary, and not give up. I love John 15:5, which says: "I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, 
he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing."

As women, some of us are:

Looking for wisdom as parents.
Feeling the weight of caring for others.
Trying to extend grace to imperfect people.
Praying that the Lord would bring the right guy into our life.
Looking for a job with a future.
Burdened with financial problems.
Asking God to bless us with a child.
Barely hanging on in a battle against sin.
Working toward academic or professional success while being fully devoted to God.
Wondering if the morning sickness will ever end.
And some of us can’t remember the last time she had a full night sleep or a coherent thought but still aspire to function with endless compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, oh and creativity too.

Perseverance looks different for each one of us but the source of our ability to endure without yielding is the same. It’s all about abiding in Jesus Christ. Apart from
him we can do nothing, but as we abide in Christ, by God’s grace we will persevere.