Christy Graduates From College

A Job Well Done

This weekend Christy graduates from college with a degree in graphic design. She's been working on her degree over the past few years while being wife to Dylan, working a job, and serving the church in various capacities (hosting and leading Tea.ology, small group ministry, photographing our events, and more). We're grateful for her life of joyful service.

We asked Christy to share a few thoughts as this season comes to a close. Here's what she said:

I've learned many things over the course of my college career in graphic design. Some been silly, like making sure Rob is the one working at the 24/7 FedEx Print Center when you have to go in at 2:00am to finish a project. Other things have been career-focused: graphic design is much more than simply creating pretty page layouts.

Still, there are several things which I humbly admit I never ended up figuring out - that is, how to prioritize my time so that I am able to "do everything," as some friends think I do.

Despite all this, the truth that has reverberated so clearly in my heart and mind throughout these years is that the Lord is faithful and so, so good. He has never ceased to provide for my family, kindly sustaining us and opening doors that we didn't even know were there. When my heart was tempted to feel discouraged by my performance, the Lord so quickly reminded me that my confidence and salvation are in Him alone. College was a great experience and a true gift, but as the Lord is bringing this season to a close, I find myself most grateful for Him.