Posts in Community
Ladies Who Lead

Alice, Angie, Rebecca, Sue, Kirsi, Lisa, and Lois

These women have taken it upon themselves to be the visionaries and planners of our women's events (check out previous events here, here, and here). They've gone above and beyond the call of duty to make sure that the women of Sovereign Grace have meaningful opportunities to connect and grow. They make sacrifices because they love the One who made the ultimate sacrifice for them and for us.

God Has Blessed Us With Ladies Who Lead


Book Challenge Steak Dinner


Every year we challenge you to form a new discipline or practice. 2018 is the year of First Friday Fasts. In years prior we challenged you to attend church 52 times in one year or to read through the entire Bible in one year. In 2017 we read 12 books in 12 months

Tomorrow evening all of those who completed 12 books in 12 months will be enjoying their congratulatory steak dinner.

Praise God for a church who loves to read. May all of us grow as we use the means that God provides.


Women Who Draw Near To God

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you

Those who seek Him find Him. Those who ask Him get an answer.

Tomorrow the women of Sovereign Grace Church are gathering for a 1-day retreat. They are taking God up on His promise to draw near.

We want to have a church full of women who are satisfied in their Savior. As they sing, learn, and pray tomorrow, join us in asking God to delight them.

Ladies Who Love Theology

Women talking like women about God.

Tonight the ladies of Sovereign Grace meet for Tea.ology, their monthly theological discussion. Their topic this evening is the Biblical practice of hospitality.

Pray that they would experience a growing delight in the God as they discuss.

The class is offered on a semester basis. Women interested in joining a future class can email the church office for more details.

Follow Jesus In Small Groups

No Lone Ranger Christians

The Christian life is a life in community. We experience fellowship with God and with God's people. His primary strategy for our growth involves the input, care, and counsel of other Christians.

At our church, small groups are the place where we make sure this happens. Join us in experiencing the beauty of Christian community by getting involved in a small group.

Learn about our meetings and request more information.

Sunday School

Learning to love to read our Bibles is one of the greatest ambitions of our church. For all who are searching for an opportunity to open God's Word and learn alongside fellow brothers and sisters then Sunday School is the place!


Sunday School is where we actively read our bibles together, learn together, and mature together. We meet every Sunday prior to our service in the Woman's Club garden from 9:30-10:15AM.