Posts tagged women's retreat in orange county
Men's Retreat FAQs

Our Men's Retreat is next week from late Thursday evening to Saturday afternoon. There are a few spots left and the deadline to register is this Sunday. 

Below are a number of answers to frequently asked questions.

  1. Where is the retreat?
    Camp Marantha Retreat Center in Idyllwild, CA. 
  2. What is the schedule?
    Our first session is on Thursday at 8pm. Plenty of time to drive up after work. We wrap up at 3pm on Saturday. 
  3. What are the accommodations like?
    We have two bunkhouses. Bunks are first come, first serve. You need to bring with you a pillow, sleeping bag, and sheets.
  4. Can I attend for part of the retreat?
    You are welcome to. However, we still have to charge you the full registration rate.
  5. I can't afford to go. Are scholarships available?
    We do have scholarships available. Please don't let money be the thing that stops you from being there. Contact Pastor Dustin if you need financial assistance.
  6. I'm attending and would like to carpool. Can I get a ride with someone?
    Definitely. Contact Pastor Dustin and he will get you connected with a ride.
2018 Women's Retreat Recap


The women of Sovereign Grace gathered last Saturday to be encouraged to draw near to God through spiritual disciplines. They did more than talk about it. As part of the retreat, they put them into practice. There were times of private prayer and reflection, small group prayer and Bible reading, and large group thanksgiving and singing. Not to mention lots of good food, making new friends, and enjoying a day away from regular life.  

God is not impressed with our spiritual disciplines

But he does want to bless us through time with Him. And God was eager to bless the ladies on Saturday. Read what a couple of them had to say:

"God is not impressed with our quiet times." I was taken aback by this truth at the women's retreat. It is so easy to get caught up in thinking that somehow quiet times and spiritual disciplines will earn God's favor, yet this is so far from the truth. At the women's retreat, I was reminded that quiet times are means of grace, not means to grace. How much more delightful it is to draw near with confidence knowing this!

I appreciated Saturday so much. The event was well-organized and well-executed. I felt like the time spent on each aspect of communing with God was appropriate and encouraging. I was most excited about praying through Psalms. Oftentimes, I find my reading is disconnected from how I feel in my day-to-day, but that is something I feel like I can do to connect God's word with my daily life and see where my struggles match those of the psalmists.   I loved everything about the day, and can't wait till we have another ladies' day!

Looking for some resources to follow-up from the retreat?  Here are some recommendations:

  1. Habits of Grace: Enjoying Jesus Through the Spiritual Disciplines by David Mathis
  2. The Gospel Primer by Milton Vincent
  3. Sing a New Song: A Woman's Guide to the Psalms by Lydia Brownback

Check out the photos on Facebook.

Women Who Draw Near To God

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you

Those who seek Him find Him. Those who ask Him get an answer.

Tomorrow the women of Sovereign Grace Church are gathering for a 1-day retreat. They are taking God up on His promise to draw near.

We want to have a church full of women who are satisfied in their Savior. As they sing, learn, and pray tomorrow, join us in asking God to delight them.