Posts tagged romans 11
How Will The Story Of Salvation End?

History's Surprise Ending

Pastor Eric finished a major section of the letter of Romans this past Sunday. Romans 11:25-36 lays out the role of Israel at the end of God's plan of salvation. They will experience an outpouring of mercy through Christ that has never been seen before. We will be surprised. We will be humbled. We will be delighted.

Listen to the sermon.

God's Plan Is Not What We Expected

Romans 11:11-24

On Sunday Pastor Eric reminded us that God's plan of salvation is unfolding but not in the way we expected. He is using everything for good even when all we see is bad. Our trust in His good plan makes us humble, grateful, and eager for God to save more people.

Here is the quote from James Anderson Eric mentioned in his sermon:

“A world with no fall and no salvation is altogether less God-glorifying than a world with a tragic fall but also a wondrous salvation."

Listen to the sermon.