Posts tagged growth
Sign Up For A Fall Class


Our Fall classes, one for men and one for women, begin in just a few short weeks. Make sure you register before they fill up.

You must be a regular attender and able to commit to a series of meetings in order to participate. 

Train Your Conscience

"It doesn't do any good to be stricter than God!"

Our study through Romans has brought us to a famous section in chapters 14-15 on how to deal with disagreements between Christians. Some Christians understand that they are free in Christ to do all sorts of things. Some feel bound by their conscience to restrict themselves. This makes for clashes.

For those who want to dive deeper into this issue, the Pastoral Team recommends the book Conscience: What It Is, How To Train It, and Loving Those Who Differ. This book will help you understand what your conscience is, why God has given it to you, and how to relate to other Christians whose consciences are different than yours.

Below is a sampling of some of the best quotes from the book:

"A church that thinks it has gotten beyond last generation’s debates over music and wine will find that this generation’s debates over recycling and child discipline are just as divisive."

"The conscience is your consciousness of what you believe is right and wrong."

"Only the cross can fill that ever-widening gap between your consciousness of what you ought to be and your actual obedience."

"Feeding excuses to your conscience is like feeding sleeping pills to a watchdog."

"A regular diet of Scripture will strengthen a weak conscience or restrain an overactive one."

Is Your Marriage Disappointing?

It's easy to be disappointed in marriage. It's easy for our hopes and dreams to be dashed. Our expectations of married life are not as rosy as we imagined.

We buy into the delusion that our biggest problem is outside of us. We blame our spouse. We blame our circumstances. We rarely take seriously the nature of our own sin. 

So what can we do?

If you would like to learn and grow, attend the "What Did You Expect?" Marriage Conference hosted by our sister church, Sovereign Grace Church of Pasadena. It's a Friday evening and Saturday in February to work on the very things that make marriage challenging. Take advantage of this opportunity.

Get more info and register.

We Are Starting More Small Groups

Your ministry is prospering.

Our small groups help us follow Jesus in the everyday stuff of life. Meetings, text messages, meals, and prayers. Your doing it. It's your ministry. People are changing. God is blessing your work.

As our groups grow, they lose some of the small group dynamics. This is why we start new groups. We want everyone to experience what we have been enjoying. We want to make room for new people both in our homes and our lives. We only have some much time and space.

The Sohie Group

The Adam group in North Orange is multiplying. Dylan and Christy will begin leading the existing group as Nate and Anne start a new one in Old Towne Orange. Both will be meeting on Friday nights. The new group will begin in October.

If you would like to join the new group, email Nate for more info. If you are new and not sure what group is best for you, click here to fill out a form.  We will send you info on all the groups.