Posts tagged ephesians
Look Nowhere Else For Spiritual Blessing


On Sunday guest preacher Robert Jacobsen showed us the glory of God's grace in our salvation. In Christ we have all we need. We are slaves who've been liberated. We are orphans who've been adopted. All of God's eternal blessings belong to us through our union with Jesus Christ.

Listen to the sermon.

You Cannot Ask God For Too Much

Ephesians 3:14-21

On Sunday, guest preacher Mark Prater showed us that God has an infinite amount of strength, goodness, knowledge, and wisdom. His love surpasses knowledge. He is an unending well from which we must continually come to drink. We access Him and His power by praying.

Listen to the sermon.

There Are No Churchless Christians

To be united to Jesus is to be united to His church.

This past Sunday, Pastor Dustin showed us in Ephesians 2:11-22 that the death of Jesus Christ reconciles us both to God and to each other. And by God's redemptive power, He is pressing us towards vital, healthy relationships in the local church.

Listen to the sermon here.

Why We Love the Church by Kevin DeYoung and Ted Kluck (book)
What is a Healthy Church? by Mark Dever (book)
Love the One You're With (article)