Global Missions From Your House

It’s a privilege to join our gospel partners in prayer. Our denomination’s Director of Emerging Nations, Dave Taylor, has provided a number of updates and ways we can pray for the work of the kingdom around the globe. Check it out below and join us in prayer:

Psalm 127:1 says, “Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.”

Unless the Lord builds the house, we labor in vain, it’s so true!! And so as we look out on the month of May and what’s ahead, here are some headlines of things you can be praying for us in. For everyone involved globally, we so value your prayers.

  1. Please pray for Jeff Purswell (SG Director of Theology & Pastor in Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville), as he travels to Germany this week to teach in the Pastors College there in the Arche Church, that he helped to start. There will be 23 students attending from Germany, 2 from Ukraine, plus three livestreaming from Ukraine and 3 livestreaming from Russia. He’ll also be preaching on Sunday morning in the Arche Church and participating in the graduation of 15 students from the PC. Please pray that Jeff will be a wonderful blessing to all involved and that God would knit us ever closer to this wonderful Church in Germany.

  2. Please pray for Ed O’Mara, Larry McCall and their wives, as they head to Italy this month to run a marriage conference in Catania, focused on gospel-centered marriage. Please pray that they’d serve the churches in Catania well and continue to build well with ‘Grazia e Verità’ in particular, as they continue to explore adoption into Sovereign Grace. In addition, please pray for Ed & Robin as they seek to find appropriate and affordable housing in a good location ahead of their relocation to Italy in the fall of 2022, with a view to Sovereign Grace Churches Italia.

  3. Please pray for David Del Castillo (Pastor in Iglesia Gracia Soberana, Santa Cruz) as he participates and helps to run two Simeon Trust Conferences in Bolivia – 6-7th May (Santa Cruz) and 12-14th May (La Paz). Please pray for much grace and wisdom for him as he takes on this new endeavor.

  4. Please pray for Dyonah Thomas (Lead Pastor of Gracelife Church, in Monrovia, Liberia) as he prepares for the launch of the ‘Sovereign Grace West Africa Pastors & Planters Academy’, in June. There will be 10 students attending with their families, on a full-time basis, coming from four different countries - Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea and Ivory Coast. We’re so excited to see this coming together, as we plan for several SG West Africa Church Plants in 2023-25.

  5. Please continue to pray for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine and in particular those that are connected to us through Jeff Purswell and the Arche Church in Hamburg, Germany. In their own words, “Please pray that the Lord will give His peace in the hearts of believers and remove all fear. For the Gospel of Jesus to be a stronghold and a strong foundation in rebellious circumstances. For believers to support one another and keep their eyes on Christ. And for Christians to witness the Gospel to unbelievers and help them find peace in Jesus.” May they know His nearness and peace at this time, even in their darkest hour.

Thank you so much for your prayers. May His grace abound to us all!

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Orange May Parade Is Tomorrow

Join Your City On Saturday Morning

In 2019, the Orange Chamber of commerce revived a decades-old tradition from our town. The May Parade features local organizations and recognizes their influence in Orange. More information is available here.

Many from our church will be out and about to enjoy the parade and connect with our neighbors. We hope to see you there!

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Youth Meeting This Thursday

The Most Unpopular Christian Convictions

Pastor Eric is taking our youth through some of the most challenging beliefs Christians hold. They’ve already covered “Christianity is the one true religion”, “Christians believe in sin”, and “Christians believe in forgiveness.” They’ve got more to cover and they’re meeting this week!

All Junior and Senior High students are invited to join. Bring your friends. Pastor Eric is leading and hosting at his house.

Thursday 5/5

Contact Pastor Eric with any questions.

May our young men and women know, love, and serve Jesus Christ.

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The Early Church

Look at the church and see the Spirit

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from Acts 2:42-47. He reminded us that this passage is about the Holy Spirit more than the church. We don’t need to compare our church to the Christians in this passage. This is a unique moment where the Spirit of God’s activity is highlighted in the early church. For us, it’s a pointed reminder to look at our church and see the work of the Holy Spirit among us.

Listen to the sermon.

Join Us at the House of Hope

A New Opportunity to Love Our Neighbors

We love our Old Towne Orange neighbors. Whenever there’s an opportunity, we aim to do good and share the gospel with them. We have just such an opportunity at the House of Hope.

A few years back, we served there regularly. Like most places, they had to halt volunteering during the pandemic. But now they’re back open, which means we can get involved again.

House of Hope is a residential facility in our neighborhood that offers temporary housing for women and children in need while preparing and equipping them to live independently. This can be a busy and often difficult time for these families. Sometimes relationships can make all the difference. That’s where we come in.

Our goal is simple: we want to build relationships so that we can share the hope of the gospel with the residents. We plan to do this by regularly enjoying a meal with them. Beginning May 11th, that’s what we’re going to do — and we’re inviting you to join us! Here’s what we’re asking:

  • Commit the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month to the House of Hope.

  • Meet at the House of Hope at 6:15pm to set up for dinner.

  • Eat dinner and get to know the residents at 6:30pm.

  • Pack up and leave at 8:00pm.

You don’t need to bring anything. We’ll provide the food. Simply come ready to serve, meet, and love our neighbors. If interested, please contact Andrew Maples or the church office. Anyone can sign up.

Join us as we shine the light of Christ at House of Hope.

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Who's Your One For May?

Sharing Our Salvation Story

Month four of our 2022 evangelism campaign is behind us. We discussed playing the long game last month. This month, let’s talk about how our personal testimony fits into sharing the gospel.

We live in the age of authenticity. Personal feelings, perceptions, and self-expression are what matters most to our neighbors. Our culture has exalted them above God.

However, this makes the average unbeliever very interested in our personal testimony. To them, it’s irrefutable. Who can argue with one’s personal experience?

In our evangelism, it’s wise to think about how to share the story of our salvation. What major changes happened in your life as you walked with Christ? Did you kick a destructive habit or mend broken relationships? Did you find a real community of people in the church who love you and know you? Were you released from the guilt of your sins and failures? Did you grasp the hope of life after death?

Think about which part of your story applies to your “ones” particular struggles. Come up with a plan for how you could share it with them. But don’t stop there. Evangelism isn’t just sharing our personal testimony. It’s sharing the good news of Jesus and inviting unbelievers to repent and follow Him. We need to ensure that we pivot to a call for them to believe.

“This is what He’s done for me. I know He wants to do the same for you.”

Next Steps

  1. Decide who your “one” is for May and prepare to share about them with your small group. If you didn’t share the gospel with your “one” from last month, feel free to pick them and try again!

  2. Think about how the Lord has changed your life. What elements of your testimony would relate well to your “one”? How could you share that with them and invite them to trust Jesus? Prepare to share your answers to these questions at your next small group meeting.

  3. Review the “Who’s Your One?” webpage and make use of the recommended resources at the bottom.

May God use our stories of salvation to bring salvation to those with whom we share the gospel.

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