Value Your Unity

Created by the Spirit
Maintained by Us

On Sunday guest preacher Bill Kittrell from Cornerstone Church of Knoxville, TN preached from Romans 12:1-5 & 13:8-14. He reminded us that the time to talk about unity is when it’s not a problem. We thank God for our unity. But we soberly remember that can be fragile. A church is difficult to build, but easy to destroy. May we labor to build and protect the precious unity that Christ has given us.

Listen to the sermon.

Sermon, LatestChurch Staff
A New Opportunity to Love Our Neighbors

The House of Hope

We love our Old Towne Orange neighbors. Whenever there’s an opportunity, we aim to do good and share the gospel with them. We have just such an opportunity at the House of Hope.

A few years back, we served there regularly. Like most places, they had to halt volunteering during the pandemic. But now they’re back open, which means we can get involved again.

House of Hope is a residential facility in our neighborhood that offers temporary housing for women and children in need while preparing and equipping them to live independently. This can be a busy and often difficult time for these families. Sometimes relationships can make all the difference. That’s where we come in.

Our goal is simple: we want to build relationships so that we can share the hope of the gospel with the residents. We plan to do this by regularly enjoying a meal with them. Beginning May 11th, that’s what we’re going to do — and we’re inviting you to join us! Here’s what we’re asking:

  • Commit the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month to the House of Hope.

  • Meet at the House of Hope at 6:15pm to set up for dinner

  • Eat dinner and get to know the residents at 6:30pm

  • Pack up and leave at 8:00pm

You don’t need to bring anything. We’ll provide the food. Simply come ready to serve, meet, and love our neighbors. If interested, please contact Andrew Maples or the church office. Anyone can sign up.

Join us as we shine the light of Christ at House of Hope.

LatestChurch Staff
Unhurried Time Together

Picnic in the Plaza This Sunday

Enjoy a meal with us in the center of our beautiful city. Picnic in the Plaza is an opportunity to show our city how good it is to be part of Sovereign Grace Church.

Directly after our Sunday service, we do lunch together right in Plaza Square Park. Pack a lunch, grab lunch from an eatery in town, or take advantage of our famous Buck-O-Slice pizza. If you’re our guest, the pizza is on us!

Let’s enjoy lunch and fellowship for the glory of God and the good of our neighbors.

LatestChurch Staff
What Is Our Only Confidence?

Christ Alone

This Sunday we’re introducing a new song based on the first question and answer of the Heidelberg Catechism. For years, Christians have been instructed and encouraged by these words. This song skillfully sets them to music so that we can treasure and declare our unshakable hope in Christ together.

Listen to the song here and come ready to sing it with us this Sunday.


Verse 1
What is our hope in life and death?
Christ alone, Christ alone
What is our only confidence?
That our souls to Him belong
Who holds our days within His hand?
What comes, apart from His command?
And what will keep us to the end?
The love of Christ in which we stand

O sing hallelujah!
Our hope springs eternal
O sing hallelujah!
Now and ever we confess
Christ our hope in life and death

Verse 2
What truth can calm the troubled soul?
God is good, God is good
Where is His grace and goodness known?
In our great Redeemer's blood
Who holds our faith when fears arise?
Who stands above the stormy trial?
Who sends the waves that bring us nigh
Unto the shore, the rock of Christ?

Verse 3
Unto the grave, what will we sing?
Christ, He lives! Christ, He lives!
And what reward will heaven bring?
Everlasting life with Him
And we will rise to meet the Lord
Then sin and death will be destroyed
And we will feast in endless joy
When Christ is ours forevermore

LatestChurch Staff
Prayer Meeting Next Tuesday

Our monthly prayer meeting is on the 4th Tuesday of every month. Unite your heart and your voice with ours as we seek God together.

We meet this coming Tuesday, 4/26/2022, at 7:00pm in Old Towne Orange. We’re asking everyone who can be there to be there. Come ready to pour out your prayers to God.

All the details are here.

LatestChurch Staff
A Sunday Worth Remembering

Easter 2022

This Resurrection Sunday was a momentous occasion. We celebrated the indestructible life of Christ and our 10-year anniversary in Old Towne Orange. We sang, we listened to God’s word, we signed a new membership covenant, we gave out free swag, we took tons of photos, and we consumed 200 donuts and 240 donut holes.

A small army of volunteers served to make it happen, but a few people deserve special mention:

Dylan Sohie (leader of our Sunday teams)
Tanner Grimshaw, Peter Turbedsky, and Rod Rivera (A/V)
Wendy and Chris Macadam (donut buffet)
Les and Sue Card (membership covenant attendants)
The Servin family (swag bags)

A big thanks to everyone who came and made this such a special service.

The photobooth photos are on their way, we’ll publish them when they’re available. If you’re a member who wasn’t able to attend or who didn’t get to sign the membership covenant, please contact the church office so we can schedule a time for you to add your signature. If you have photos or videos from the service that you’re willing to share, please send them to us.

We thank God for giving us 10 years together in Orange. May we be here loving each other and preaching the gospel until our Savior returns.

LatestChurch Staff
Pray For The Pastors Retreat

Regional Assembly of Elders

Every year our pastors join with pastors in our denomination from the southwest United States for a regional retreat. There’s prayer, teaching, singing, fellowship, business meetings, and even some good-natured competition. The retreat is hosted here in Orange County this week.

We’d like to ask you to pray for their time together. Here are a few things to cover:

  • Ask God to give grace to Pastor Eric as he leads.

  • Ask God to bless Pastor Bill Kittrell, who will be guest speaking.

  • Ask God to grow the friendships of the pastors in the region.

  • Ask God to use this meeting to further their shared gospel mission.

  • Ask God to bless their families while the men are away.

Thank God for Pastors

LatestChurch Staff