Who's Your One For May?

Sharing Our Salvation Story

Month four of our 2022 evangelism campaign is behind us. We discussed playing the long game last month. This month, let’s talk about how our personal testimony fits into sharing the gospel.

We live in the age of authenticity. Personal feelings, perceptions, and self-expression are what matters most to our neighbors. Our culture has exalted them above God.

However, this makes the average unbeliever very interested in our personal testimony. To them, it’s irrefutable. Who can argue with one’s personal experience?

In our evangelism, it’s wise to think about how to share the story of our salvation. What major changes happened in your life as you walked with Christ? Did you kick a destructive habit or mend broken relationships? Did you find a real community of people in the church who love you and know you? Were you released from the guilt of your sins and failures? Did you grasp the hope of life after death?

Think about which part of your story applies to your “ones” particular struggles. Come up with a plan for how you could share it with them. But don’t stop there. Evangelism isn’t just sharing our personal testimony. It’s sharing the good news of Jesus and inviting unbelievers to repent and follow Him. We need to ensure that we pivot to a call for them to believe.

“This is what He’s done for me. I know He wants to do the same for you.”

Next Steps

  1. Decide who your “one” is for May and prepare to share about them with your small group. If you didn’t share the gospel with your “one” from last month, feel free to pick them and try again!

  2. Think about how the Lord has changed your life. What elements of your testimony would relate well to your “one”? How could you share that with them and invite them to trust Jesus? Prepare to share your answers to these questions at your next small group meeting.

  3. Review the “Who’s Your One?” webpage and make use of the recommended resources at the bottom.

May God use our stories of salvation to bring salvation to those with whom we share the gospel.

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