A Sunday Worth Remembering

Easter 2022

This Resurrection Sunday was a momentous occasion. We celebrated the indestructible life of Christ and our 10-year anniversary in Old Towne Orange. We sang, we listened to God’s word, we signed a new membership covenant, we gave out free swag, we took tons of photos, and we consumed 200 donuts and 240 donut holes.

A small army of volunteers served to make it happen, but a few people deserve special mention:

Dylan Sohie (leader of our Sunday teams)
Tanner Grimshaw, Peter Turbedsky, and Rod Rivera (A/V)
Wendy and Chris Macadam (donut buffet)
Les and Sue Card (membership covenant attendants)
The Servin family (swag bags)

A big thanks to everyone who came and made this such a special service.

The photobooth photos are on their way, we’ll publish them when they’re available. If you’re a member who wasn’t able to attend or who didn’t get to sign the membership covenant, please contact the church office so we can schedule a time for you to add your signature. If you have photos or videos from the service that you’re willing to share, please send them to us.

We thank God for giving us 10 years together in Orange. May we be here loving each other and preaching the gospel until our Savior returns.

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