The Birth of the Church

The Sending of the Spirit

On Easter Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Acts 2:1-41. The sound of a mighty rushing wind appears suddenly. Tongues of fire hover over the heads of the disciples. Men speak in languages they’d never been taught. What does this mean? And what shall we do in response? Turn from your sins and embrace the crucified and risen Lord. Only then can we truly understand what this all means.

Listen to the sermon.

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Two Days Away!

10 Years in Orange on Easter Sunday

We love every Sunday, but his one is extra special! It’s Resurrection Sunday and our 10th-anniversary celebration. We’ve got our all-you-can-eat donut buffet, a photo booth, choirs, and a special new membership covenant that all members will be signing. The instructions for you are here. But there’s one big instruction to rule them all.

Arrive at 9:30am!

The donut buffet opens at 1 hour before our service. There will be plenty of fried goodies and coffee. Come early and enjoy this special Sunday with us!

LatestChurch Staff
A Crucifixion Narrative

On this Good Friday, we invite you to reflect on the death of God’s beloved Son. A death He didn’t deserve. A death He subjected Himself to willingly to pay the penalty and break the power of sin’s hold over us. He did it to vindicate God’s glory and reveal the lengths to which God would go to display His mercy.

A pastor from one of our sister churches, Rich Gamache, wrote and delivered a poetic re-telling of the events of Good Friday. Read or listen to it using the links below and marvel at the Savior who displayed His matchless love through Calvary’s cross.

“Jesus pushes himself up again and cries, ‘It is finished.’ And it is. Every sin of every child of God has been laid on Jesus and he drank the cup of God’s wrath dry.”

Read ‘The Father’s Cup’ here.

Listen to ‘The Father’s Cup’ here.

LatestChurch Staff
Plans For This Sunday

It’s Resurrection Sunday
Our 10th Anniversary in Old Towne Orange

We regularly remember and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But we only get to mark our 10-year anniversary once. We’re going to make it memorable!

We’ve got plans in place to celebrate. Here’s how you can prepare to make the most of it:

  1. As we do every Easter Sunday, we’re hosting our all-you-can-eat donut buffet before the service from 9:30am-10:30am. Come early to fill up on donuts and coffee and enjoy an extra hour of fellowship.

  2. We’ll also have a photo booth, so come dressed to impress. You’ll get to take copies of your photos home with you!

  3. We’re formally adopting a new Statement of Faith and a new Membership Covenant as part of our 10-year anniversary. We’re asking all current members to sign a commemorative copy of the Membership Covenant at the service. Please make sure you review both documents before Easter Sunday. If you have any questions or reservations, please contact the church office as soon as possible and a pastor will be in touch.

  4. Consider joining our adult choir and having your kids sign up for our children’s choir. We’ve still got space. Sign-up here.

Our church continues to exist because God works through your faithful commitments. Thank you for helping us get to year 10 in Orange. May we be here spreading the joy of Jesus for many years to come!

LatestChurch Staff
Are You Ready?

We Could Meet Jesus Anytime

On Sunday we had the privilege of hearing guest preacher Dave Taylor, from our sister church in Sydney, Australia, preach from Luke 12:35-48. He asked us to consider if we were ready to meet Jesus. The Lord told us to be ready at all times. He will return when we least expect it. And when He comes, He wants to find faithful servants. The reward for faithfulness is wonderful. The punishment for unfaithfulness is terrible. Let’s make ourselves ready and urge others to do the same.

Listen to the sermon.

Sermon, LatestChurch Staff
Our New Website Is Live

We are excited to announce the launch of Sovereign Grace Church’s new website! Our website is our digital front door, it’s the first experience most guests will have with our church. We’ve taken a big step forward with the redesign of our main website and the introduction of a new website designed for members called “The Hub” ( We are hopeful that these updates position us to better reach our neighbors and serve you.

Here are a few recommendations that will help you make the best use of these new sites:

  1. Use the main site ( as a resource for your friends, family, and neighbors who may be interested in attending our church. It’s designed especially for them.

  2. If you’re a member or regular attender, bookmark The Hub has all the info you need to continue to engage in our church life. There’s also a link to it from the main website.

  3. Our blog is still functioning but has been renamed “News & Events.” You’ll find it on The Hub. It will continue to be the best way to know what’s happening at our church.

  4. If you’re already subscribed to our newsletter, you’ll continue to receive it. There should be no disruption. In fact, if you’re receiving this in your inbox that means it’s working just fine.

  5. Staff email addresses have now changed to the new domain. You’ll notice this as you get emails from them. Please update your contacts when you get the chance.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the church office. It’s almost guaranteed we’ll have to make some tweaks along the way. Thanks for your patience as we do.

We’re doing all of this to better serve our neighbors by expanding our digital presence. May God use these efforts to bring more guests to our church to experience your gospel ministry.

LatestChurch Staff
A Cross And Resurrection Resource For Kids

The Price is Right

The Christian publisher Crossway has provided a free PDF of the stories of the cross and resurrection from Kevin DeYoung’s The Biggest Story Bible Storybook. These are an excellent way to teach your children about the most important events in human history. Our children’s ministry volunteers will be handing out free printed copies this Sunday.

Read these stories with your kids as we approach another Resurrection Sunday next week. Hit the link below for the PDF.

The Biggest Story Easter Stories PDF.

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