Building Together

We Love Organized Religion

On Sunday we announced that we’re beginning a 4-week sermon series on our new Statement of Faith (SoF). The SoF is the product of nearly 10 years of work done by the pastors of our denomination, Sovereign Grace Churches.

As an introduction, take a few minutes to read an article written by Jared Mellinger, a Sovereign Grace pastor. He lays out the strengths of our denominational partnership. As you read it, take time to thank God for our family of churches.

“Over the past decade, I have had the joy of observing and participating in the institutionalization of our beloved Sovereign Grace Churches. Joy is the right word and ought to be used far more often in connection with institutions, especially when we are talking about gospel-loving churches and denominations. There is a great blessing in belonging to something larger than ourselves, in creating structures that promote sound doctrine and biblical values, and in laboring to build something durable for the glory of Christ.”

Read the rest of the article here.

LatestChurch Staff
Pray For The Leadership Team Retreat

This week Pastor Eric is in Orlando, Florida for the Sovereign Grace Churches Leadership Team Retreat. They’re meeting together to pray, think, and strategize about the direction of our denomination. Will you pray that God would meet these men and fill them with His Spirit, wisdom, and a godly ambition for ministry around the globe? Thanks for praying!

LatestChurch Staff
A Clinic On Pastoral Ministry

Making Your Pastors’ Work A Joy

On Sunday guest preacher John Loftness, who’s been a faithful pastor in our denomination for over 40 years, preached from Hebrews 13:7 & 17. He asked us to try to understand what it’s like to be a pastor. God has assigned certain men to lead His church. They share our weaknesses and struggles, they are tested by life just as we are. But God gives them grace to serve by leading. We can make their work a joy by following their faithfulness and posturing ourselves to be persuaded by their leadership.

Listen to the sermon.

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Baby Zeke

Congratulations to Dave and Anna on welcoming their little boy, Ezekiel, into the world this week!

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Consider Becoming A Member

“…so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.”
Romans 12:5

Membership is a key feature of our church. We practice it because it’s biblical, it provides a context for ministry, and it leaves nobody wondering whether or not Sovereign Grace Church is their church.

Our approach to membership is straightforward. It’s outlined right here.

If you’re a regular attender we invite you to contact the church office so that we can help you answer the question: Is God calling me to join this church? There’s no rush. We’re available to answer any and all of your questions.

LatestChurch Staff
Who's Your One For February?

Failing Forward In Evangelism

The first month of “Who’s Your One?” is behind us. It’s a good time to stop and ask: how can I fail forward at evangelism? We’re going to make mistakes. Perhaps, you made some in 2022 already. We’ll speak when we should listen and listen when we should speak. We’ll forget to pray. We’ll get too busy and never meet with the person we intended to share the gospel with. We’ll lose courage and decide not to share the gospel because we’re afraid of their response. We’ll offer Christ to people who say, “No thanks.”

Charles Spurgeon, who described himself as “addicted” to leading people to Christ, had this to say about responding to evangelism failures:

“I may be speaking to a few who have not succeeded; if so, I would recommend them to look steadily over their motive, their spirit, their work, and their prayer, and then begin again. Perhaps they may get to work more wisely, more believingly, more humbly, and more in the power of the Holy Spirit. They must act as farmers do who, after a poor harvest, plow again in hope. They ought not to be dispirited, but they ought to be aroused. We should be anxious to find out the reason of failure, if there be any, and we should be ready to learn from all our fellow-laborers; but we must steadfastly set our faces, if by any means we may save some, resolving that whatever happens we will leave no stone unturned to effect the salvation of those around us.”

What should we do when we fail at evangelism? Consider how we could improve next time. Remember that God uses imperfect messengers to convey His perfect message. And try again expecting God to bring in His harvest.

Next Steps

  1. Decide who your “one” is for February and prepare to share about them with your small group. If you failed to share the gospel with your “one” from January, feel free to pick them and try again this month!

  2. Think through ways you’ve failed in evangelism and what you can do to improve next time. Prepare to share your thoughts with your small group.

  3. Review the “Who’s Your One?” webpage and make use of the recommended resources at the bottom.

May God bless our efforts this month to share the gospel with those who are lost and need to be found!

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Youth Meeting This Thursday

The Most Unpopular Christian Convictions

Pastor Eric is taking our youth through some of the most challenging beliefs Christians hold. They’ve already covered “Christianity is the one true religion”, “Christians believe in sin”, and “Christians believe in forgiveness.” What are they covering this week? Come and find out!

All Junior and Senior High students are invited to join. Bring your friends. Pastor Eric is leading and hosting at his house.

This Thursday

Contact Pastor Eric with any questions.

May our young men and women know, love, and serve Jesus Christ.

LatestChurch Staff
Do Not Be Anxious

A Command That’s Easy to Understand but Difficult to Practice

On Sunday guest preacher Mickey Connolly preached from Philippians 4:6-7. He reminded us that anxiety is an ambush predator, always lurking nearby waiting for an opportunity to strike. It robs us of joy and hope. But God has well-equipped us to protect ourselves. We can pray for help, thank God for past mercies, and expect Him to give present peace. Our circumstances may not change, but by God’s grace, we certainly can.

Listen to the sermon.

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