Building Together

We Love Organized Religion

On Sunday we announced that we’re beginning a 4-week sermon series on our new Statement of Faith (SoF). The SoF is the product of nearly 10 years of work done by the pastors of our denomination, Sovereign Grace Churches.

As an introduction, take a few minutes to read an article written by Jared Mellinger, a Sovereign Grace pastor. He lays out the strengths of our denominational partnership. As you read it, take time to thank God for our family of churches.

“Over the past decade, I have had the joy of observing and participating in the institutionalization of our beloved Sovereign Grace Churches. Joy is the right word and ought to be used far more often in connection with institutions, especially when we are talking about gospel-loving churches and denominations. There is a great blessing in belonging to something larger than ourselves, in creating structures that promote sound doctrine and biblical values, and in laboring to build something durable for the glory of Christ.”

Read the rest of the article here.

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