Welcome to The Grove

A Place Where Kids Can Grow in Christ

Children matter to God. Children are a gift from God to us. We have the privilege of leading our kids to trust Jesus, love the church, and embrace the gospel mission. That's why we have a children's ministry. Its new name is The Grove.

Our goal at The Grove is to teach and train the next generation of disciples. Parents are the primary disciple-makers of their kids, but the church is here to help. We're reaching our kids with the gospel together.

The Grove will take place each Sunday. Led by our faithful volunteers, children will be taught the whole Bible, learn to demonstrate God’s love to one another, and make good memories at church. This isn’t merely childcare. This is an amazing opportunity to teach the good news of Jesus Christ to all our children. It's a vital part of our ministry as a local congregation.

Classes start on Sunday, February 6th

Classes are offered during the second half of the service. Keep your kids with you during the singing and we’ll provide instructions at the mid-service break. We're offering two classes currently: one for kids 6 months-3 years old and another for kids 4-7 years old.

If you have a heart to serve our kids, we'd love to equip you! Contact Andrew Maples and he'll get you the info you need.

We pray that the Lord would use The Grove to strengthen our families and our church. We're planting seeds that will yield fruit for generations to come.

LatestChurch Staff
Picnic In The Plaza Is Back!

We’ve Got Your Lunch Plans This Sunday

Our regularly scheduled Plaza Park takeover is happening this week. We bring our lawn chairs and lunches and head downtown right after the service to enjoy a meal in the middle of our city. It’s a simple way to be a light to our neighbors.

Come this Sunday ready to do lunch with us. We’ll have our world famous buck-o-slice pizza available. Pizza is free for our guests.

LatestChurch Staff
Final Sunday Livestreaming

Church is the Dearest Place on Earth

We turned the livestream back on for January to serve those who were stuck at home due to the omicron variant. But with cases dropping, we’re ending the livestream after this Sunday.

Join us in-person on Sunday mornings to meet with both God and His people. As always, please stay home if you’re sick and follow applicable health guidelines. You can take advantage of our sermon recordings and podcast.

There really is nothing like being among God’s people. We can’t wait to see you this Sunday!

LatestChurch Staff
Pray For The Pastors And Wives Retreat

Caring for Those Who Care for Us

The pastors and their wives from the west region of our denomination are coming to Orange County this week for a first-of-its-kind Pastors & Wives Retreat. Would you join us in praying for God to meet with them and refresh them through the retreat? Pray for their marriages to be faithful, peaceful, and fruitful. Pray for their children to be saved and grow in the Lord. Pray for Mickey and Jane Connolly who are leading the retreat. Pray for the wives to connect with one another and benefit from their fellowship.

Thank you for praying with us!

LatestChurch Staff
Trusting God In Turbulent Times

How do we move ahead when the days are strange?

On Sunday guest preacher Greg Dirnberger from Emmaus Road Church preached from Daniel 12:1-13. Greg asked us to consider what we should do when we know challenges are ahead of us? He called us to take refuge in the providence of God, grow in wisdom, bend our knees to God’s word, engage in God’s mission, and keep our eyes on the cross until the end. That is what we’ve always had to do. That’s what we have to do now. So go your way and keep your eye on the Lord who holds history in His hands and will not let us go.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
The Lord Loves Persistence

“The very fact that God lays a burden of prayer on our hearts and keeps us praying is evidence that He purposes to grant the answer.“
J. Oswald Sanders

We pray because God invites us to come back to Him over and over and over again. He’s training His people to be persistent. He’s ready to answer.

“And [Jesus] told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart.”
Luke 18:1

Join us on Tuesday 1/25 at 7:00pm in Old Towne Orange as we seek the Lord together. We’re asking everyone who can be there to be there. Bring a lawn chair, a coat, and a heart ready to meet with the Lord.

All the details are here.

LatestChurch Staff
How Do We Obey The "One Anothers" Of The Bible?

Small Groups

Love one another. Pray for one another. Bear one another’s burdens. Teach one another. The list of instructions for Christian ministry goes on and on. What’s our strategy for doing all these “one anothers”? Gathering in small groups. 8-12 people who can truly know one another and commit to "one another” ministry.

If you’re looking to build vital relationships with other Christians, we invite you to visit a small group. The groups meet on either Wednesday or Friday of this week.

Get your invite right here.

Latest, MinistriesAnne Adam