We're At Celebration CA

We’re all en route to Idyllwild, CA for our multi-church retreat: Celebration CA. Here’s how you can pray for us.

There is No Service in Orange This Sunday!

A friendly reminder that we are not hosting a Sunday service in Orange this week. If you aren’t able to join us at Celebration, take this opportunity to visit and encourage another gospel-preaching church. If you’re on the hunt for a church, use the 9marks Church Search to track one down.

Church Staff
An Infographic About Your Ministry

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace.”
1 Peter 4:10 ESV

The Bible is filled with “one another” verses. Specific encouragements for every Christian to take on the responsibility of ministering to their fellow brothers and sisters. Small groups are where we focus our efforts on one another ministry.

Below is an illuminating infographic that shows all of the “one another” statements in the New Testament. Take a few minutes to read through it and be reminded of the ministry God has called you to. Take a moment to thank God you’re in a church filled with others who’ve committed to do these one anothers with you.

LatestChurch Staff
How To Pray For Celebration CA

Mere Days Away

We’re heading up to Idyllwild, CA this Friday for Celebration CA. We’ll worship, learn, eat, compete, and enjoy one another’s company. Here’s how you can pray for God to meet us in our time together:

  • Pray that God would begin to fill our hearts with anticipation and excitement for what He will accomplish through Celebration CA.

  • Pray that God will bless all of those who are already serving us by preparing, making plans, and gathering gear.

  • Pray that God uses Celebration Kids to plant seeds of faith in the hearts of our children.

  • Pray that the pastors who are preaching the 4 main sessions will be filled with the Spirit as they prepare and deliver their messages.

  • Pray that unbelievers among us would come to know Christ, repent of their sins, and begin to follow Jesus.

  • Pray that our churches would grow deeper in their love for one another and experience deeper unity.

  • Pray that we would grow in our love for California and the mission God has given us to reach Californians with the gospel.

Thank you for praying!

LatestChurch Staff
Joseph In Potiphar's House

A Test of Integrity

On Sunday pastoral resident Andrew Maples preached from Genesis 39:1-23. He reminded us that we will all be tempted to compromise. But God calls us to keep our integrity before Him, whether others are watching or not. And when we fail, we have a Savior who kept His integrity perfectly. He lived for us and died for us. We live for Him no matter the cost.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
Pray With Us Tonight!

Mere Hours Away

Our monthly prayer meeting is now on the 4th Tuesday of every month. Unite your heart and your voice with ours as we seek God together.

Our next one is tonight 9/28/21 at 7pm in Old Towne Orange. We’re asking everyone who can be there to be there. Bring a lawn chair, a coat, and a heart ready to meet with the Lord.

All the details are here.

LatestChurch Staff
A Thief's Confession Of Faith

Take a few minutes to listen to Alistair Begg describe the reason the thief on the cross would give for why he made it to heaven: “Because the man on the middle cross said I could come.”

Enjoy the goodness and grace of Jesus Christ through this three minute video clip.

Take me to the video.

LatestChurch Staff
How Bad Can A Christian Be?

And Still Be A Christian?

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from Genesis 38:1-30. Some commentators deemed this passage “unfit for preaching.” But this strange chapter reveals the grace of God for His unworthy people. God’s people are often bad. But God proves to be very good to bad people.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff