How To Pray For Celebration CA

Mere Days Away

We’re heading up to Idyllwild, CA this Friday for Celebration CA. We’ll worship, learn, eat, compete, and enjoy one another’s company. Here’s how you can pray for God to meet us in our time together:

  • Pray that God would begin to fill our hearts with anticipation and excitement for what He will accomplish through Celebration CA.

  • Pray that God will bless all of those who are already serving us by preparing, making plans, and gathering gear.

  • Pray that God uses Celebration Kids to plant seeds of faith in the hearts of our children.

  • Pray that the pastors who are preaching the 4 main sessions will be filled with the Spirit as they prepare and deliver their messages.

  • Pray that unbelievers among us would come to know Christ, repent of their sins, and begin to follow Jesus.

  • Pray that our churches would grow deeper in their love for one another and experience deeper unity.

  • Pray that we would grow in our love for California and the mission God has given us to reach Californians with the gospel.

Thank you for praying!

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