We Love Our Gospel Partners

Bob Kauflin, the director of Sovereign Grace Music, is in town this week to lead our pastors during their regional retreat. He’s staying through Sunday to preach at our service this week.

We thank God for Bob’s leadership and influence. Much of our practice of corporate worship has been shaped by his biblical, thoughtful, and always gospel-centered guidance. It will be a distinct privilege and joy to have him and his wife Julie with us this Sunday.

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Pray For Our Pastors

Regional Assembly of Elders

This week pastors from the US West Region of our denomination are holding their annual meeting. They will talk church leadership, they will care for one another, and plan for future ministry opportunities.

We ask you to pray that God would strengthen their bonds of fellowship as they lead their churches and work together to advance the gospel in our corner of the globe. May Christ be magnified!

LatestChurch Staff
The Real Hero

It’s Not Us

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Genesis 26:1-35. It turns out that Isaac isn’t the hero of the Bible’s story. He turns out to have questionable morals. But God blesses him. The story of God saving his people through Abraham’s line depends solely on grace. So it is with us. Everyone who is saved must say, “I don’t deserve any of this.”

Listen to the sermon.

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Sing Of The Love That Surpasses Knowledge

The Love of Christ

This Sunday we introduce a new song in our service: How Vast the Love by Sovereign Grace Music. Take time to listen and get familiar with this beautiful song so that we can celebrate Christ by singing it together this Sunday.

Listen to “How Vast the Love”


Verse 1
Come gaze upon your Savior
Behold your great High Priest
Draw near in awe and wonder
His cross has spoken peace

Verse 2
Come rest from sin and striving
Find endless stores of grace
The heart that turns to Jesus
Is cleansed from every stain

Oh, how deep, how wide, how long
Oh, how vast the love of Jesus
Oh, how sure, how sweet, how strong
Oh, how vast His love for us

Verse 3
So lift your eyes to Jesus
Arise from doubt and shame
His blood cries, ‘It is finished!’
Our life is in His name

Verse 4
What now can separate us?
Can death or pain or fear?
We have this strong assurance
In Christ we’ve been brought near
And in His strength we’ll labor
His promises our hope
Thus far His love has led us!
His love will lead us home!

LatestChurch Staff
5 Reasons To Be At Our Prayer Meeting
Prayer Meetings 2021.png

There are few things more important for a church than to pray together. As Christians, we’re pardoned, accepted, and welcomed into our Father’s presence. He hears our prayers and responds. What a gracious God!

Our monthly prayer meeting is next Thursday night. You could pray by yourself that evening. But consider joining us instead! Here are 5 things that can only happen when we pray together:

  1. God meets us in unique ways when we’re together. He promises his presence to his gathered people (Matt. 18:20, Eph. 2:22, Eph. 5:18-21).

  2. Corporate prayer displays corporate dependence. Praying together makes our reliance on God visible.

  3. Praying together builds consensus. The Spirit plants the same desires in our hearts: for the church to grow in love, for the lost to be found, for the broken to be made whole, and for God’s glory to be revealed. As we listen to each other pray we get the opportunity to say, “amen!”

  4. Hearing others pray provides a window into their life with Christ. We’re encouraged by the good work we see him doing in them and our love for them deepens.

  5. Praying for one another is one of the primary ways we bear burdens (Eph. 4:1-3, Gal. 6:2). It’s much more effective when we do this in-person.

Are you excited yet? We hope so! Join us on Thursday.

7:00pm - 8:00pm
The Woman’s Club Gardens

Get all the details right here and join us.

Church Staff
Pastor Eric At City Council Meeting

We Love Orange

Pastor Eric has been asked by our mayor to pray at the city council meeting this evening. Eric will be praying for those affected by the shooting that occurred in Orange on March 31. It’s a distressing moment for our community, but we thank God for giving Eric an opportunity to be an ambassador of hope.

The meeting starts tonight at 6:00pm. Join us in praying that God would comfort those affected by this terrible tragedy. Pray that Eric’s words would be used by God to shine the light of Christ in our city.

LatestChurch Staff
God Loves the Details

Every detail matters because God is behind each one.

On Sunday Pastor Eric resumed our study in Genesis preaching from Genesis 25:19-34. From the story of Jacob and Esau, he reminded us that we can trust God when we’re waiting, when we have questions, and when we’re disappointed. May our response to each season of life speak loudly that we trust in God.

Listen to the sermon.

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