5 Reasons To Be At Our Prayer Meeting

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There are few things more important for a church than to pray together. As Christians, we’re pardoned, accepted, and welcomed into our Father’s presence. He hears our prayers and responds. What a gracious God!

Our monthly prayer meeting is next Thursday night. You could pray by yourself that evening. But consider joining us instead! Here are 5 things that can only happen when we pray together:

  1. God meets us in unique ways when we’re together. He promises his presence to his gathered people (Matt. 18:20, Eph. 2:22, Eph. 5:18-21).

  2. Corporate prayer displays corporate dependence. Praying together makes our reliance on God visible.

  3. Praying together builds consensus. The Spirit plants the same desires in our hearts: for the church to grow in love, for the lost to be found, for the broken to be made whole, and for God’s glory to be revealed. As we listen to each other pray we get the opportunity to say, “amen!”

  4. Hearing others pray provides a window into their life with Christ. We’re encouraged by the good work we see him doing in them and our love for them deepens.

  5. Praying for one another is one of the primary ways we bear burdens (Eph. 4:1-3, Gal. 6:2). It’s much more effective when we do this in-person.

Are you excited yet? We hope so! Join us on Thursday.

7:00pm - 8:00pm
The Woman’s Club Gardens

Get all the details right here and join us.

Church Staff