The Reigning Redeemer

He Speaks. He Saves. He Sits.

On Sunday church member Dylan Sohie preached from Hebrews 1:1-4. This is the best text for the end of the worst year. In a year when it feels as though our circumstances have ruled us like a tyrant, we need to be reminded of who really reigns. Our Savior is seated in glory overseeing all the affairs of our lives. We have something better than a vague hope for this new year. We have the confidence that the One who loves us is ruling the world.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
From Sovereign Grace Church

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

May you see and savor the light who came into the world to banish all our darkness. Have a very merry Christmas!

LatestChurch Staff
Why Christmas Eve? (Part 4)

He Is Worthy

Praise is the purpose of the universe. The child lying in the manger is worthy of unceasing worship.

Christ came to save a people who would proclaim his excellencies (1 Peter 2:9). The only way our hearts can truly be filled is to worship the One who fills all in all (Eph. 1:23).

That is our purpose as we gather on Christmas Eve.

So, join us on Thursday as we celebrate our glorious and gracious Savior.

The service starts at 6:00pm in Old Towne Orange on December 24th.

All the details are here.

LatestChurch Staff
Everything You Need For Christmas Eve

Our annual Christmas Eve service is two days away! Plans are in place and we can’t wait to worship the newborn King with you.

Take a minute to review our plans for the service below.

We’re meeting outdoors. The Woman’s Club garden is a beautiful outdoor venue. We’re keeping our tradition and following state guidelines by conducting the service outside.

It’s standing room only. In order to maintain 6-foot distancing between household groups and not run out of space, we decided to forego chairs. The service will be 30 minutes max. Ushers will help your group find a spot and ensure we use the space efficiently. The back of the garden will be available for families with young kids. Chairs are available for those who need them.

Households will stay together. As per guidelines, we will keep household groups together and ask that you maintain a 6-foot physical distance from other those not in your household.

Wear a face covering if you’re able. In line with public health orders, we request that you wear a face covering.

Take cookies for the road. Church members are putting together to-go boxes of home-baked cookies as a gift for you.

Invite family, friends, and neighbors. All are welcome to join us as we celebrate the incarnation of Jesus Christ. You can direct guests to our dedicated webpage for the Christmas Eve service:

A livestream is available for those who can’t attend. If you’re unable to join us in-person due to health or other reasons, please watch the livestream by tuning into our Facebook page at 6:00pm on Christmas Eve.

We could use your help. If you’re available to serve on Christmas Eve please contact the church office and we will get you an assignment.

LatestChurch Staff
We Love Jesus And Religion

Honor Those Who Are Truly Widows

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from 1 Timothy 5:3-16. He reminded us that loving Jesus and living to please him are not at odds. Caring for the needy and vulnerable among us is one way we do this. In particular, this passage focuses on widows, godly women with a track record of serving the church who have no family to support them. The church is to meet their needs and equip them for ministry. In this way, we demonstrate our love for Jesus by giving ourselves to religion that pleases him.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
Why Christmas Eve? (Part 3)

To Push Back Against Loneliness

Loneliness was called an epidemic before 2020. The most digitally connected generation is the most relationally disconnected. This year has only made it worse.

We celebrate Christmas Eve to be reminded that Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us. We’re never truly alone because our Savior has come to dwell with us. His Spirit accompanies and comforts us at all times in all places.

We also celebrate Christmas Eve because health orders restrict many of our normal interactions. What a gift that we can meet safely as a church during the pandemic! We want to lay hold of the blessings of fellowship and invite the lonely to enjoy it too.

Join us next week as we celebrate our ever-present Savior and enjoy one another’s company.

We’ll gather at 6:00pm in Old Towne Orange on Thursday, December 24th.

All the details are here.

LatestChurch Staff
Details For Our Christmas Eve Service

Our annual Christmas Eve service is less than one week away! Make sure you review our plans for the service below.

We’re meeting outdoors. The Woman’s Club garden is a beautiful outdoor venue. We’re keeping our tradition and following state guidelines by conducting the service outside.

It’s standing room only. In order to maintain 6-foot distancing between household groups and not run out of space, we decided to forego chairs. The service will be 30 minutes max. Ushers will help your group find a spot and ensure we use the space efficiently. The back of the garden will be available for families with young kids. Chairs are available for those who need them.

Households will stay together. As per guidelines, we will keep household groups together and ask that you maintain a 6-foot physical distance from other those not in your household.

Wear a face covering if you’re able. In line with the public health orders, we request that you wear a face covering.

Take cookies for the road. Church members are putting together to-go boxes of home-baked cookies as a gift for you.

Invite family, friends, and neighbors. All are welcome to join us as we celebrate the incarnation of Jesus Christ. You can direct guests to our dedicated webpage for the Christmas Eve service:

A livestream is available for those who can’t attend. If you’re unable to join us in-person due to health or other reasons, please watch the livestream by tuning into our Facebook page at 6:00pm on Christmas Eve.

We could use your help. If you’re available to serve on Christmas Eve please contact the church office and we will get you an assignment.

Church Staff
The Gospel Bears Fruit Globally

Our denomination, Sovereign Grace Churches, exists to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ by planting and strengthening churches throughout the world for the glory of God. Our church has had an especially close relationship with our sister churches in Australia. Take a few minutes and see how God has blessed their efforts to plant a new church in the city of Parramatta. The gospel continues to bear fruit throughout the world (Col. 1:6).

Watch the video about Sovereign Grace Church of Parramatta.

LatestChurch Staff