Details For Our Christmas Eve Service

Our annual Christmas Eve service is less than one week away! Make sure you review our plans for the service below.

We’re meeting outdoors. The Woman’s Club garden is a beautiful outdoor venue. We’re keeping our tradition and following state guidelines by conducting the service outside.

It’s standing room only. In order to maintain 6-foot distancing between household groups and not run out of space, we decided to forego chairs. The service will be 30 minutes max. Ushers will help your group find a spot and ensure we use the space efficiently. The back of the garden will be available for families with young kids. Chairs are available for those who need them.

Households will stay together. As per guidelines, we will keep household groups together and ask that you maintain a 6-foot physical distance from other those not in your household.

Wear a face covering if you’re able. In line with the public health orders, we request that you wear a face covering.

Take cookies for the road. Church members are putting together to-go boxes of home-baked cookies as a gift for you.

Invite family, friends, and neighbors. All are welcome to join us as we celebrate the incarnation of Jesus Christ. You can direct guests to our dedicated webpage for the Christmas Eve service:

A livestream is available for those who can’t attend. If you’re unable to join us in-person due to health or other reasons, please watch the livestream by tuning into our Facebook page at 6:00pm on Christmas Eve.

We could use your help. If you’re available to serve on Christmas Eve please contact the church office and we will get you an assignment.

Church Staff