Our Favorite Day Of The Week

Word and Prayer

This Sunday is week four of Sunday Morning Live. We host a Zoom call at 10:30am which inlcudes member testimonies, prayer, and bible teaching. All church members and regular attenders will receive an email invite. Send an email to the church office to be added to our distribution list.

This week, we share a couple important updates and continue our study in Genesis by covering Genesis 13:1-18.

We can’t wait to see you Sunday!

LatestChurch Staff
When Will We Reopen?

This past Sunday marked the seventh week since our church met together in-person. We anticipate the day we can "come to you and talk face to face, so that our joy may be complete" (2 John 1:12). 

How will we decide when to reopen?

The pastoral team continues to watch the news and discuss regularly. They're eager for us to meet again. As soon as it's safe to do so, we will. Our pastors are committed to engaging local authorities first and foremost to determine when and how we can reopen.

Right now, there is not enough information for us to make a reopening plan. We have all kinds of ideas about how to do it, but we're waiting for clearer guidance from local and state officials before presenting a plan to you.

Are we protesting?

As of today, the church isn’t protesting the current restrictions. The stay at home order continues to be applied to everyone for the common good. It's a show of respect to our governing officials (Rom. 13:1-5, 1 Pet. 2:17) and display of love for our neighbors to continue to obey the orders and guidelines that are in place.

What if we disagree with one another or the church?

Many of you are being very cautious about the coronavirus and heeding the government orders and guidelines. Others are deeply concerned about government restrictions. Some don't know what to think. For everyone, we urge a gracious and humble attitude toward all. Let’s fight for unity in Christ even in the midst of disagreement. When we get to the other side of this pandemic, may we be remembered for our love, gentleness, and trust in the Lord during these uncertain times.

LatestChurch Staff
The Grace Of God Around The World

Two weeks ago we asked you to give to support brothers and sisters in the Philippines and you rose to the occassion. Our partner churches have been coordinating care for churches in other countries being devastated by the coronavirus. Below are a handful of photos and updates so that you can see God’s grace in the lives of our partners.



The photo above shows the lead pastors in Manila and Mindanao during the SGC Pastors and Wives Conference, 2 days before the lockdown in the Philippines. In the front row is Lynn Baird (Pastor of Sovereign Grace Church of Pasadena), Dave Taylor (Senior Pastor of Sovereign Grace Church of Sydney), Todd Peterson (Pastor of Cross of Grace Church in El Paso, TX), and Kathy Peterson (Todd’s wife).

“My heart so rejoices and humbled to know of your generous gift to our suffering brethren here in Manila and in Mindanao due to the lockdown or what our government calls Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ). Such help means life to most of the would be recipients that will result to an overflowing of thanksgiving and praise to God. Indeed no distance  and ‘lockdowns’ can hinder the church from expressing love for each other by helping one another... truly the church is the dearest place on earth.

“We will be sending you reports, photos and videos from time to time as to the result of such generosity. Kindly extend my heartfelt gratitude to the elders and members of Sovereign Grace Church of Orange.” -Jeff Jo, Philippines Pastor


The photo above is of the church in Monrovia, Liberia organizing food and supplies purchased with money sent by Australian and US Sovereign Grace Churches.

“Our two churches in Sydney were able to send over $5000 to Liberia as emergency aid for food and basic supplies. Ben Kreps region is doing exactly the same today, sending over another $5000, and so our dear brothers and sisters in the Churches that we relate to there, will now have enough food for 28 days. Dyonah, the church leader there, told me just yesterday, that as they began to give the food and basic supplies out to the brethren, so many of them were in tears over the care that our family of churches are showing them. I had the privilege of reminding him, that to us, they truly are family. How kind of the Lord to let us care for our wider family in this way. May His grace abound.” -Dave Taylor, Senior Pastor of Sovereign Grace Church of Sydney



The photo above shows a pastor in India named JP handing out food staples to a widow.

“The brothers and sisters in India were able to put together 37 food bundles with the money we sent them. They prioritized distributing them to neediest in their community. JP described it this way: ‘We considered the widows and the old that need our help. We had privilege to pray with them and share the gospel. In fact they showed interest to pray with us! We could see some of them crying looking at the food. As we stepped into some houses, the situation is very pathetic. It's more pathetic to see the children at their houses and some others looking at us with hungry eyes. This provokes us to pray more intensively for the situation around the world.’

“We are working with them on a strategy for support and distribution to the poor and elderly in the Hindu community because of the gospel opportunity it presents.” -Todd Peterson, Pastor of Cross of Grace Church in El Paso, TX.

LatestChurch Staff
Pray For The Women's Study

Women talking like women about God

Our Women’s Study is meeting online via Zoom this evening to discuss, learn, and grow. They’re reading Delighting in the Trinity by Michael Reeves.

Pray for their growth

It’s the Spirit who effects change in God’s people. Pray that he would be at work among the women of Sovereign Grace Church as they meet this evening.

LatestChurch Staff
Three Stories In One

Abram’s Story is Israel’s Story is Our Story

On Sunday Pastor Eric taught from Genesis 12:10-20. Abram turns out not to be such a great guy. But God has chosen him, and God’s grace prevails. Abram’s descendants the people of Israel, would wander from God, become enslaved, and then God would save them. That’s our story as well. God’s grace is unstoppable.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
Join Us For Prayer And The Word

God Speaks To Us
We Speak To God

This Sunday is week three of Sunday Morning Live. We host a Zoom call at 10:30am which inlcudes member testimonies, prayer, and bible teaching. All church members and regular attenders will receive an email invite. Send an email to the church office to be added to our distribution list.

This week, we continue our study in Genesis by covering Genesis 12:10-20.

We can’t wait to see you Sunday!

LatestChurch Staff