When Will We Reopen?


This past Sunday marked the seventh week since our church met together in-person. We anticipate the day we can "come to you and talk face to face, so that our joy may be complete" (2 John 1:12). 

How will we decide when to reopen?

The pastoral team continues to watch the news and discuss regularly. They're eager for us to meet again. As soon as it's safe to do so, we will. Our pastors are committed to engaging local authorities first and foremost to determine when and how we can reopen.

Right now, there is not enough information for us to make a reopening plan. We have all kinds of ideas about how to do it, but we're waiting for clearer guidance from local and state officials before presenting a plan to you.

Are we protesting?

As of today, the church isn’t protesting the current restrictions. The stay at home order continues to be applied to everyone for the common good. It's a show of respect to our governing officials (Rom. 13:1-5, 1 Pet. 2:17) and display of love for our neighbors to continue to obey the orders and guidelines that are in place.

What if we disagree with one another or the church?

Many of you are being very cautious about the coronavirus and heeding the government orders and guidelines. Others are deeply concerned about government restrictions. Some don't know what to think. For everyone, we urge a gracious and humble attitude toward all. Let’s fight for unity in Christ even in the midst of disagreement. When we get to the other side of this pandemic, may we be remembered for our love, gentleness, and trust in the Lord during these uncertain times.

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