No More Thursday Night Live

On the call last night, we announced that it would be our final Thursday Night Live. With Sunday Morning Live, small groups, and book studies all going strong, the pastors determined these calls were no longer necessary. If they need to provide updates or host a virtual members meeting, they will let you know. For now, enjoy having your Thursday nights back. If you can, use them to connect with friends, for prayer and reading, or to reach out to your neighbors.

Thank You

We’re grateful for your eager participation. In a strange time, it was wonderful to see your faces and hear your voices on Thursday nights. It makes us grateful for the other ways we have to connect with you and more excited for the day we get to be with you in-person again.

Costume Contest Winner

Tanner took home the gold in our contest as the quarantine version of Scott Calvin, the main character from The Santa Clause. If you didn’t get to see Tanner’s costume and movie set, or you just want to see it again, check out the photo.

LatestDustin Smetona
Pray For The Nations

As the coronavirus makes its way around the world, join with brothers and sisters from our denomination to pray for the nations. Let’s pray that the mission of the gospel would continue to advance. Below you can read the requests given by Sovereign Grace Churches’ executive director, Mark Prater. You can see the original post here.

May salvation come to every tribe and tongue.

There doesn’t seem to be a nation that is untouched by the COVID-19 pandemic. For our small denomination, Sovereign Grace Churches, the pandemic is a reminder that the pastors and churches we are currently working with in 32 different nations are being impacted by the COVID-19 virus. The needs in these nations are different but very real and one of the ways we can serve them is to pray. The Apostle Paul writes, “praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints” (Eph. 5:18). The word “all” is used four times in this one verse meaning that we are to pray at ALL times for ALL the saints that are in ALL the nations. Therefore, please join Sovereign Grace Churches for a Day of Prayer for the Nations on Friday, April 24. Here is a partial list of items you can pray for:

  • Pray that God would protect the saints in the churches we are working with around the world from being infected with the COVID-19 virus.

  • Pray that God would heal any of the saints that are sick, especially those who test positive for COVID-19.

  • Pray for Dyonah Thomas and the eight churches he serves in Liberia asking God to provide finances and resources to purchase food and supplies for the saints in those churches.

  • Pray for Carlos Contreras as he serves our churches in Mexico and Central America asking God to provide for the churches that are facing financial challenges.

  • Pray for Jorge and David Del Castillo who just planted Iglesia Gracia Soberana in Santa Cruz, Bolivia who only had the opportunity to hold a few public services before shut in orders were given in that nation. Please pray that God would provide for this new church.

  • Pray for Jeffery Jo (Manila), Pete Valdez (Bohol), Cornelio Nebo (Cebu City) who care for churches in the Philippines asking God to provide finances and resources to purchase food and supplies for the saints in that nation.

  • Pray for pastors we are relating to in Costa Rica, Columbia, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Brazil, Zambia, Ethiopia, South Korea, Australia, India, Nepal, England, Germany, Italy, Croatia, Belarus, and Thailand asking God to give them wisdom to lead their churches and provide for their needs.

  • Pray for Dave Taylor, our Director of Emerging Nations, asking God to give him wisdom as he and his team serve the saints in different nations during this unprecedented time.

This is only a partial list of prayer requests. So, as you pray in the Spirit, please lift up any other needs you are aware of, or the Spirit brings to mind.

Thanks for praying for ALL the saints!

LatestChurch Staff
Thursday Night Live Week 6

We’ll See You Thursday!

Our weekly video call with the pastors is this Thursday from 8pm-9pm. It’s a regular opportunity to receive updates and engage with your pastors and fellow church members. It’s no replacement for being together, but it’s a gift for this season.

This week, you’ll hear updates from members, notes and encouragements from the pastors, and you’ll have a chance to continue to ask questions of the pastoral team.

Costume Contest

This week we’re holding a Zoom costume contest. Dig through your attic and find your best outfit. Steer clear of scary stuff and make sure it’s modest. The more over-the-top, the better! We can’t wait to see what you come up with.

Call-in Information

Tomorrow we will email a link to all church members and regular attenders in our directory. If you’re a regular attender of Sovereign Grace Church and would like to be included, please fill out this form and we’ll make sure you’re on our distribution list.

LatestChurch Staff
What Are We Up To?

Life has changed. Kids are home from school and parents are home from work. Events and hangouts are canceled. It’s a big change.

We’re regularly providing a window into the lives of our church members through the photos below. It’s a sweet reminder that we’re weathering this pandemic together.

We’d love to include you in a future post! Send your pictures to with a brief description.

“We’re enjoying 3D movies at home while the theaters are closed.” -Kevin and Katie R

“I thrive in team settings, so working from home is a big adjustment. However, I think I’m in a good rhythm! My days consist of zoom calls, phone calls, and emails coordinating volunteer and donation opportunities for my non-profit employer.” -Jess C

“Even during a rather stressful and uncertain time, it is comforting to know that the Lord is taking care of his own. And showing his people that his provision truly is enough.” -Dakota C

“Though our dogs have plenty of books to read, they prefer lounging on the couch. We’re especially grateful for their companionship during this time.” -Grant and Holly S

LatestChurch Staff
God's Generosity In Your Hearts

Last week, the pastors announced an initiative to raise $3000 for our sister churches in the Philippines who are unable to get regular access to food because of the coronavirus restrictions. This money would enable them to purchase food for 2000 people for 2 weeks.

You gave more than double what we asked for!

Already, this initiative has received more than $6000. All of which will be going to the Philippines. It just means more food for them.

Thank You

Your pastors want you to know how delighted they are at your generosity. But even more important than that, your generosity pleases God.

We accept donations through midnight tonight (Tuesday). We will send the money first thing Wednesday morning.

LatestChurch Staff
All Grace, All God, All The Earth

Abram’s Story Is God’s Story

On Sunday Pastor Eric resumed our study in the first book of the Bible teaching from Genesis 12:1-9. We began the story of Abram — a man called by God when he wasn’t looking for God. By grace, the Lord chose Abram to receive blessing in order to bless the whole world. This blessing has come to us by grace through faith in Christ. Do we see in our lives, that up to this day, it’s all by grace, all God, and for all the earth?

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
Study Genesis With Us On Sunday

The Call of Abram

This Sunday is week two of Sunday Morning Live. We host a Zoom call at 10:30am which inlcudes testimonies, prayer, and bible teaching. All church members and regular attenders will receive an email invite. Send an email to the church office to be added to our distribution list.

This week, we resume our study in Genesis by digging into chapter 12.

We can’t wait to see you Sunday!

LatestChurch Staff
Send Aid To The Philippines

“In a severe test of affliction, their abundance of joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part…See that you excel in this act of grace also.”
2 Cor. 8:2 & 7

Our denomination has 20 partner churches in the Philippines. As the coronavirus changes our lives here in the US, their lives are impacted dramatically as well. Many church members and their neighbors are foregoing food in order to obey the government’s stay-at-home order. They’re literally starving.

We Can Help

With financial support, the Philippine churches are able to feed their church members and their neighbors. $1500 provides food for 2000 people for one week.

After consideration and prayer, the pastors have created a church initiative to raise $3000 to cover the cost of food for two weeks.

The need is urgent. We’re accepting donations through Tuesday, April 21, 2020 and will send the money right away.

How to Give

We know that for many of you, money is tight and jobs are uncertain. You’re being stretched and you may not be able to participate. That’s ok! Each one of us should give as we sense the Lord leading. Even if you aren’t able to give money, you can partner with us in prayer.

If you feel the Lord calling you to give financially, thank you! Your generosity reflects the heart of our giving God. Use the link below to donate. We prefer bank or ACH payments since credit and debit card fees are significantly higher.

LatestChurch Staff