Send Aid To The Philippines


“In a severe test of affliction, their abundance of joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part…See that you excel in this act of grace also.”
2 Cor. 8:2 & 7

Our denomination has 20 partner churches in the Philippines. As the coronavirus changes our lives here in the US, their lives are impacted dramatically as well. Many church members and their neighbors are foregoing food in order to obey the government’s stay-at-home order. They’re literally starving.

We Can Help

With financial support, the Philippine churches are able to feed their church members and their neighbors. $1500 provides food for 2000 people for one week.

After consideration and prayer, the pastors have created a church initiative to raise $3000 to cover the cost of food for two weeks.

The need is urgent. We’re accepting donations through Tuesday, April 21, 2020 and will send the money right away.

How to Give

We know that for many of you, money is tight and jobs are uncertain. You’re being stretched and you may not be able to participate. That’s ok! Each one of us should give as we sense the Lord leading. Even if you aren’t able to give money, you can partner with us in prayer.

If you feel the Lord calling you to give financially, thank you! Your generosity reflects the heart of our giving God. Use the link below to donate. We prefer bank or ACH payments since credit and debit card fees are significantly higher.

LatestChurch Staff