Secret Sister Note Exchange

The ladies of the church are invited to participate in a Secret Sister Note Exchange. Those who sign up will be given the name and contact info of another lady in the church who is participating. Send her a letter, card or email of encouragement. It could be scripture, what God is teaching you, a prayer, or maybe a way you have seen God at work in her life.

Participation is voluntary, but we ask that if you sign up, please be committed to sending your note.

Sign-ups open today and end this Sunday night (4/19/2020).

Here’s how it works:

  1. Fill in your contact information at this form

  2. On Monday, you will be contacted with the name and info of your assignment.

  3. You have from Monday until Friday night to send your note. Please, make sure to sign your name!

Although we’re apart, we hope these notes of encouragement will draw us together. If you don't wish to participate, that's okay! Now is a great time to send a note of encouragement to someone else (a friend, family member, small group member, or neighbor).

Contact Kristin if you have any questions.

LatestChurch Staff
Pray For Our Frontline Workers

Join with brothers and sisters from our denomination to pray for frontline workers on Friday, April 17, 2020. This includes those who transport goods, stock grocery shelves, and work checkout counters. Instructions are below and you can see the original post here.

May God hear our prayers.

Two weeks ago, our small denomination dedicated a day of prayer for healthcare professionals who are serving on the frontlines in caring for the sick during the COVID-19 pandemic. Because there are other men and women working daily on the frontline to serve us, even at their own risk, we wanted to dedicate this Friday, April 17 as a Day of Prayer for Frontline Workers.  We want to pray for men and women who transport food, stock grocery shelves, and work at checkout counters that make it possible for us to purchase food. Men and women who provide public transportation, and men and women who work in police and fire departments around the world providing essential emergency services. This is not an exhaustive list, so when you pray, add anyone you know who is serving on the frontlines. As 1 Thessalonians 5:17 exhorts us, let us “pray without ceasing” for them. Here are a few ways you can pray:

  • Ask God to protect these frontline workers from being infected with the COVID-19 virus.

  • Ask God to heal those frontline workers who do contract the COVID-19 virus.

  • Ask God to give them strength and endurance for the long hours they need to work.

  • Ask God to comfort them when they need to spend time separated from their families or need to self-quarantine because of risk of exposure.

  • Ask God to give them wisdom for any difficult situations they may face.

  • Ask God to use Christian frontline workers as a voice of gospel hope for the hopeless.

Thank you for praying without ceasing!

LatestChurch Staff
Thursday Night Live Week 5

We’ll See You Thursday!

Our weekly video call with the pastors is this Thursday from 8pm-9pm. It’s a regular opportunity to receive updates and engage with your pastors and fellow church members. It’s no replacement for being together, but it’s a gift for this season.

Last week we covered a handful of questions that you submitted. We didn’t get to all of them, so we’ll cover some more this week.

This week, a couple of things you should be aware of:

  • Since we’re getting ready to resume teaching through Genesis, we are hosting a Genesis-themed charades competition this week. We’ll have instructions on the call, but make sure you brush up on chapters 1-11 of Genesis.

  • We’re continuing our extended Q&A with the pastors. Ask whatever you want. Join the call with your questions, or, better yet, email your questions to the church office ahead of time.

Tomorrow we will email a link to all church members and regular attenders in our directory. If you’re a regular attender of Sovereign Grace Church and would like to be included, please fill out this form and we’ll make sure you’re on our distribution list.

LatestChurch Staff
Our All Church Easter Photo

Say, “Cheese!”

With everyone in their Sunday best, we snapped an all-church photo on Easter. Thanks to everyone for joining us. Our time together was a sweet reminder of the unity we share through our risen Savior.

We will see you again this Sunday for week #2 of Sunday Morning Live.

LatestChurch Staff
Resurrection Sunday Online Together

Christ is Risen
He is Risen Indeed

This Sunday is Easter which means we begin Sunday Morning Live - an all-church video call with teaching, praying, and sharing. All church members and regular attenders should watch their inbox for an email invite. Email the church office to be added to our distribution list.

We’ve opted for a video call because it allows you to participate rather than just spectate. Even while we’re apart, our pastors want to preserve the every-member-ministry of our church.

Here’s a snapshot of what we have planned for this Sunday:

  • A best-dressed competition. Wear your Sunday best and we’ll take a poll to see whose outfit made the biggest impression.

  • An all-church Zoom photo.

  • A conversion story from a church member.

  • A directed prayer from a church member.

  • Scripture reading and teaching.

  • Open response time for the church.

We will see you Sunday!

LatestChurch Staff
Remember The Cross Of Christ

“For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.”
-1 Corinthians 2:2

The cross of Jesus Christ reveals the glory of the grace of God. The cross of Jesus Christ reveals the humility and self-sacrificial nature of the Son. The cross of Jesus Christ reveals the love of God for his sinful people. The cross of Jesus Christ reveals God’s commitment to overcome sin and death.

We remember the death of Christ all year. We preach about it. We sing about it. We read about it. We gather around the Lord’s Table.

But we are grateful to take the opportunity on Good Friday to contemplate the death of our dear Savior. Below, we have included a few recommended resources for you and your family. May God’s grace freshly captivate your heart.

LatestChurch Staff