Women's Mini Retreat

Grow Together

The women of Sovereign Grace Church are gathering for a one-day mini retreat in March. Plan to join us for 7 hours of teaching, reflection, small group discussions, food, and games. We’ll be learning about believing Scripture, teaching it to ourselves, and sharing it with one another.

We’re hosting it at a home in Tustin, CA. Women ages 14 and up are invited. Guests from outside the church are also welcome. We will not be offering childcare.

The cost is $20/attendee. Deadline to register is March 7, 2020.

Secure your spot right here.

LatestChurch Staff
A Mission Statement For Every Christian

Trust God and Do Good

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from 1 Peter 4:12-19. We tend to see Christian suffering as evidence we’re doing something wrong. But Christians should expect to suffer when they’re doing something right. Opposition to Christianity is normal, it’s a God-given test of our faith, it proves God is with us, and it points us to our future salvation.

Listen to the sermon.

Your Greatest Enemy And Your Greatest Friend

“At every stage of our Christian development and in every sphere of our Christian discipleship, pride is the greatest enemy and humility our greatest friend.” -John Stott

This Sunday is our last Sunday School class on the book of Proverbs. We contrast the humble and the proud. Few topics are so pressing. Pride is at work in our hearts, whether we know it or not. We need to identify and root it out. And there is a wonderful promise attached to humility: God gives grace to the humble (James 4:6).

Join us at 9:30am before our service in the Woman’s Club garden as we consider these important truths together.

LatestChurch Staff
Join Sovereign Grace As A Member

We Are Members of One Another

At Sovereign Grace Church we practice church membership as a way to express both our unity with and commitment to Christ’s church. He has saved us and made us part of his body. We walk out our Christian lives in the context of a local church.

Our membership process is straightforward. It involves meeting with a pastor, completing our online membership class, an interview, and public recognition on a Sunday.

If you’re a guest who wants to know more about membership at our church, head here to get started.

LatestChurch Staff
Pray For Your Small Group Leaders

Your Small Group Leaders Love You

Small Groups are the backbone of our community life. They are where everyday discipleship takes place. They are led by volunteers who love us, welcome us, and help us.

Tonight the small group leaders gather with Pastor Dustin for their quarterly training meeting. They’ll pray, discuss, minister to one another, and learn.

Will you pause for a moment and pray that God will use their time together this evening?