Friends Vs Enemies

This Week in Sunday School

Join us as we continue through Proverbs. This week we talk about God’s will for our relationships. How can we be a good friend? Who should we avoid? How is God using the people around us to shape us?

Few things are more relevant.

Join us at 9:30am in the Woman’s Club gardens. There’s no homework. Bring your Bible and your eagerness to learn.

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Our New Membership Class

New Format

Our membership class is now completely online. Four videos covering the essentials of Sovereign Grace Church. The videos are short, between 6-10 minutes each.

If you’re a guest who wants to know more about membership at our church, head here to get started.

A First For Us

It may be a surprise that we’ve moved to an online format. This is definitely a first for us. But we’re convinced that right now this is the most effective way to help our guests move toward membership.

Don’t worry, we aren’t becoming a digital church. We won’t be having Pastor Dustin record tons of online bible studies. This is a one-time project. The membership class (like many of the things we do) has gone through many changes over the years. And when the time comes to change it again, we will.

Check Them Out

Every member should set aside a few minutes to watch through the videos. This is our best attempt at stating succinctly who we are and what we believe as a church. Even if you’ve been around for a while, taking a few minutes to watch and remember will be a huge encouragement to you.

Thank You Is In Order

A big thank you to Cody and Ben, the church members who helped architect and produce these videos.

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Annual Leaders Appreciation Event

We Love Our Leaders

On Sunday evening the pastors hosted an event to say thank you to the volunteer leaders of Sovereign Grace Church. Deacons. Small group leaders. Sunday teams leaders. We are grateful to God for their faith-filled, tireless service of us.

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Self-Denial Feels Like Suffering

No Pain, No Gain

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from 1 Peter 4:1-6. He reminded us that to do God’s will we have to resist our own. We must think like our Savior and be resolved to deny ourselves, to not fit in with the world, and to live for the future instead of the moment.

Listen to the sermon.

Registration Deadline For Men's Retreat

Deadline to Register is 1/22/2020

Our every-other-year Men’s Retreat is just a few weeks away. The three Sovereign Grace churches of California are joining forces for another weekend of teaching, fellowship, food, and competitions. Our last one was fantastic.

Thu 2/6/2020 to Sat 2/8/2020
Idyllwild, CA

Ben Kreps, a pastor from our sister church in Harrisburg, PA, is our guest speaker. Our theme is “The Power of God: How the Gospel Conquers Men.” Young men ages 14 and up are welcome to join.

More details are available on the registration page.

Men, make this investment in your own growth and in our partnership. Ladies, make sure your man gets up there.

Scholarships and financial aid are available. Spots are limited, so secure yours ASAP.

I'm ready to register.

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Join Our Women's Study

Women Talking Like Women About God

Our Women’s Study is an opportunity to apply God’s truth to the unique roles and callings of women. We do this together as a community of redeemed women.

In January, we begin working our way through Delighting in the Trinity by Michael Reeves. One reviewer describes the book this way, “I am hard pressed to think of a book I’ve highlighted so heavily, a book that has impacted me so immediately, and a book which I am so eager to read again so quickly.”

Register ASAP

Women's Study is for all female regular attenders of Sovereign Grace Church age 14 and older.  The session starts January 28th, 2020.

The deadline to sign-up is Sunday, January 12th, just over a week away.

Get registered right here.

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