True Rest For Tortured Souls

Where is God in my struggle with mental illness?

On Sunday, guest preacher Andy Farmer opened up Psalm 116 to address the topic of mental health. He taught us that mental anguish is a form of suffering we experience. But our struggle does not separate us from God. Our struggle does not define our lives. And our struggle can only be fully remedied by Jesus.

Listen to the sermon.

Women's Retreat Registration Deadline March 24

Fresh Mountain Air

Registration is open for our 2019 Women’s Retreat! Sovereign Grace Churches of Orange and Santa Ana are co-hosting. We will be at Mt. Kare in Wrightwood, CA.

Ladies, don’t miss this opportunity to connect with God and with one another. These moments away from the busyness of everyday life are good for your soul and good for your friendships with other women.

Gentlemen, you have a part to play! Take the kids. Set aside the funds. Make sure your wife, fiance, or girlfriend is there. Do whatever you have to do.


All women age 16 and older from inside and outside the church are invited. Cost is $150/attendee. Carpooling and financial assistance are available.

The deadline to register is Sunday 3/24/2019.

Can only attend part of the retreat? No problem!

We have partial and day passes available. There are three options: 1) all Friday to the end on Saturday, 2) all day Friday, or 3) Friday afternoon to the end on Saturday. Head to our registration page to reserve your spot.

Register for the 2019 Women’s Retreat.

LatestChurch Staff
Complete March's Bible Memorization Challenge

March’s Verse: Psalm 97:1-6 (ESV)

1 The Lord reigns, let the earth rejoice;
    let the many coastlands be glad!
Clouds and thick darkness are all around him;
    righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne.
Fire goes before him
    and burns up his adversaries all around.
His lightnings light up the world;
    the earth sees and trembles.
The mountains melt like wax before the Lord,
    before the Lord of all the earth.
The heavens proclaim his righteousness,
    and all the peoples see his glory.

How are you doing memorizing March’s Bible verse?

We’re about half-way through the month. Make sure you show us you’ve memorized it by either:

  1. Recording a video and sending it to You’re on the honor system, but make sure to keep your eyes on the camera.

  2. Heading to our Welcome Desk on a Sunday morning and reciting it to one of the Connect Team members. After you do, send an email to letting us know which Connect Team member you recited it to.

Learn more about how to memorize Scripture here and here.

“I will delight in your statutes; I will not forget your word.”
-Psalm 119:16

LatestChurch Staff
A Q&A On Mental Illness This Sunday Evening

A Sermon This Sunday On Mental Illness

Pastor, author, and biblical counselor Andy Farmer is with us this weekend. He’ll be teaching a seminar on Friday night and then serving us by preaching from Psalm 116 on Sunday morning.

Andy’s sermon will address a topic we don’t often get to address in church: the struggle of mental illness.

Join Us For Q&A At 6:00pm Sunday Evening

We anticipate this will raise a number of questions, so we’ve also scheduled a Q&A with Andy on Sunday evening back at the Woman’s Club at 6:00pm. You don’t need to RSVP, just put it on your calendar and come with your questions.

LatestChurch Staff
Baby Mila Rae

Congratulations to parents Ashley and Nestor and to big sister Lilly and big brother Ezekiel!

Church Staff
Unity, The Church, And The Gospel

Let the Lord strengthen your faith as you see what He’s doing in one of our sister churches in Pennsylvania.

“May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.”
Romans 15:5-7

Church Staff
True Rest For Tortured Souls

A Sermon This Sunday On Mental Illness

Pastor, author, and biblical counselor Andy Farmer is with us this weekend. He’ll be teaching a seminar on Friday night and then serving us by preaching from Psalm 116 on Sunday morning.

Andy’s sermon will address a topic we don’t often get to address in church: the struggle of mental illness.

We anticipate this will raise a number of questions, so we’ve also scheduled a Q&A with Andy on Sunday evening back at the Woman’s Club at 6pm. You don’t need to RSVP, just put it on your calendar and come with your questions.

May the Lord meet us this weekend.

LatestChurch Staff
Become The Friend Everybody Needs

Join Us Friday Night for the “Loving and Listening” Seminar with Andy Farmer

Our Friday small groups are taking a field trip this week. Join us and make an investment in your ministry to others.

Friday 3/15/2019
”There’s more to personal ministry than talk.”
First United Methodist Church of Orange

Childcare is available but we need you to register below. Parking will be tight so arrive early enough to hunt down a spot and walk. Look for our “Sovereign Grace Church” banners.

Sign me up for Loving and Listening.

LatestChurch Staff