Why Has God Abandoned Me?

When God Breaks Your Heart

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Job 23 explaining that suffering makes God seem absent. When your world turns upside down your heart will break. But God’s heart toward you never changes. And Christ is good at healing all kinds of broken hearts.

Listen to the sermon.

A Song To Grow Our Confidence In God

When the future is uncertain, we need confidence in the good purposes of God. His acts to save and deliver in the past must shape our expectations of what’s to come.

This Sunday we sing a new song that teaches our hearts to look back to God’s past faithfulness and forward in joyful anticipation of His future faithfulness. Listen above and come ready to sing with us.


The grace of God has reached for me
And pulled me from the raging sea
And I am safe on this solid ground
The Lord is my salvation

I will not fear when darkness falls
His strength will help me scale these walls
I’ll see the dawn of the rising sun
The Lord is my salvation 

Who is like the Lord our God?
Strong to save, faithful in love
My debt is paid and the victory won
The Lord is my salvation

My hope is hidden in the Lord
He flowers each promise of His Word
When winter fades I know spring will come
The Lord is my salvation

In times of waiting, times of need
When I know loss, when I am weak
I know His grace will renew these days
The Lord is my salvation 

And when I reach my final day
He will not leave me in the grave
But I will rise, He will call me home
The Lord is my salvation

Glory be to God the Father
Glory be to God the Son
Glory be to God the Spirit
The Lord is our salvation

Church Staff
Mark Your Calendar For Christmas Eve

Carols, Candles, and Cookies

Our 6th Annual Christmas Eve Service is going to be here in just over a month. We will be singing traditional Christmas carols, reading Scripture, playing with fire, and eating cookies. 

Bring your family, friends, and neighbors. Pray that God would meet us as we preach the light of the gospel to our city.

Get all the details.

Lend Your Voice To Our Christmas Eve Choir

Lead Us In Singing To Our Savior

Our annual Christmas Eve service is quickly approaching and you are invited to sing in our choir.

All we require is that:

  1. You love to sing (we welcome singers of all skill levels)

  2. You can commit to one rehearsal before Christmas Eve

  3. You can be there on Christmas Eve

If you meet those requirements then fill out the interest form and we will be in touch.

LatestChurch Staff
Church Member Meeting Recap

This past Sunday we held our Fall Church Member's Meeting. This is a time for members and regular attenders to be equipped to participate in the life and ministry of our congregation. We download a lot of information. The members ask questions. We go home with bellies full of our world famous Buck-O-Slice Pizza. Here are a few highlights:

Sunday School

Our Sunday School is designed to help you know what you believe and why you believe it. Doctrine matters and Sunday School is where we teach it in an organized way.

Currently, Sunday School is taking a holiday recess. In January 2019 we begin a year in the New City Catechism. It will take us through all the major categories of biblical teaching. There are plenty of resources to take advantage of on their website and we will do a more in-depth teaching at Sunday School each week.

We invite and encourage you to make Sunday School part of your Sunday plans for 2019. Be equipped to help us treasure, guard, and declare the gospel of grace.

Newcomers Ministry

Over the past year, the pastoral team has focused their attention on our efforts to reach and retain guests. This has included appointing a new leader (Grant Sigafoos) to our Connect Team, training and recruiting more volunteers for the Connect Team, hosting a weekly guest reception in our lobby, and changing our half-day Starting Point class to a 4-session Intro Course hosted and led by the pastors.

We’re happy to report that our guests still consistently describe you as the most welcoming church they’ve ever encountered.

There are a couple ways you can continue to help:

  1. As you interact with guests, encourage them to attend the Intro Course. This is the one big next step we want them to make as they’re exploring Sovereign Grace Church.

  2. On Sunday mornings be mindful of where you sit. We’re asking you to move “up and in.” Create open seats on the outside of the aisles for guests and latecomers to easily locate a spot.


Your sacrifices are bearing good fruit. Here are a few major highlights to report:

  1. Sovereign Grace Church of Santa Ana is fully funded and will be recognized as a sister church in January 2019.

  2. We have begun looking for our next church planting site and church planter. Be praying that God would guide and provide.

  3. Our global vision of “working for the prosperity of our sister churches in the Asia-Pacific region” has been realized. Pastor Eric has made a handful of exploratory trips and opportunities for church members are right around the corner. Stay tuned.

  4. We have 6 men completing our Theology Course, 1 intern, and 1 Worship Leader apprentice. We are training the next church leaders of Orange County.

Latest, Events, Santa AnaChurch Staff
Guests You Are Invited To Lunch This Sunday


This week is our regularly scheduled Intro Course. The Intro Course is the perfect next step if you want to get to know Sovereign Grace Church better.

The class is led by a pastor and hosted in their home. Join us this Sunday 11/18/2018 right after out service from 12:30pm-2:30pm. Lunch and childcare are provided.


The Intro Course is for any and every guest of Sovereign Grace Church. Whether you've attended for 1 Sunday or 100 Sundays. Whether you're a Christian or not. Whether you want to join as a member or have no idea what membership is.


It's a place to come and explore, learn, and ask questions.

Get registered right here.