Posts in Weekly Recap
This Is Home For Us

Our Newest Church Members

This past Sunday we welcomed Angel and Sandra as members of our church. They attended our Starting Point Class, were interviewed by a church leader, and demonstrated a commitment to participate in the life and ministry of our congregation. They are a gift from God to us.

[Sandra] "I grew up in a Catholic home, always unsure of whether or not I measured up to what God expected of me. Did God love me or not?  I bounced back and forth and eventually went astray. Very very far astray."

[Angel] "I grew up a foster kid in Orange County. My early life in Boyle Heights was a mess and I brought my troubles with me to Orange. I knew something was wrong and I knew the answer had something to do with my relationship with God."

[Sandra] "We arrived at Sovereign Grace in 2013 and you welcomed us in. We immediately felt your love and support and this came to us in very practical ways. You moved us twice. You helped us financially. When we realized we should get married you threw us a wedding on a Sunday morning. This place has been the place where God has truly revealed himself to us. Thank you."

"This is home for us."

Thursday Night Youth Meeting

"The Most Difficult Questions About God"

Thursday, April 14th, 7pm

All junior and senior high are invited to join us this week, 4/13/16, 7-9pm at the Turbedsky home for fellowship, fun, and a debate over the most difficult questions we have about God. We do this every month. Parents are welcome to stick around. Guests are always welcome.

Contact Lisa B. for the address or if you have questions.  

Join Pastor Eric In Praying For Our Future

On retreat this week.

Pastor Eric regularly takes time away from home to study, plan, and pray. These are significant times of reflection and encouragement that ultimately influence us as a community.

Please pray for him. Ask God to meet him, even surprise him. May God lead our leaders as we follow Jesus personally and corporately for His glory and the salvation of our city.

And if you're wondering what Pastor Eric's retreats are like? Here's a description in his own words:

I spend a few days camping in my truck...lots of books, prayers, writing, and coffee. Nothing fancy and I'm sure the other campers think I'm crazy. Picture a guy with a stack of books and notes wearing a hoodie and sitting at a picnic table talking to himself for 3 days straight.
Free Watson's Gift Cards For Submitting Feedback

April fools ;)

 Now send us your feedback!

The pastoral team has nominated Dustin Smetona for the office of pastor and now it's your turn. As we begin the process of ordination, we need your input. Our constitutional documents prescribe a 14 day period for written and oral feedback.

Deadline: This Sunday

Submit your feedback here.

"Once the pastors and the candidate are all supportive of pursuing ordination, they will notify the church and invite their further input over the next 14 days. The active involvement of the congregation is necessary in the confirmation of an pastor’s call and, at a minimum, should require extensive informal interaction with the congregation regarding the suitability of the pastoral candidate.

During the ordination process, members of the church are asked and given opportunity to submit in writing their observations, affirmation, or critique of the man in question. This is not to propagate gossip and slander, but to allow opportunity to stop the process if there is information the pastors lack in evaluating the man. Additionally, affirmation will help confirm the selection of the candidate. Such feedback is an important opportunity for the congregation to assist in the ordination process.

The feedback of members of the church will not be understood as a binding vote on the ordination of the candidate but may be a deciding factor in his qualification. It will be up to the pastors to handle the feedback as they deem most appropriate."

Everything you need to know about what we believe about pastors and how we ordain them can be found here.You might also like to review our statement on Bi-vocational Pastors since we do not plan on compensating Dustin at this time. He will be working as a volunteer.

April fools ;) Made you look! There is no gift card.  But we still need your feedback.

Submit your feedback here.

Dylan's Easter Poem

Before his shearers silence sounds

From still lips of eternal Word

By sinful men his wrists are bound

as the Father whets his sword.


Traded once for silver coins

Now twice for murd'rous hands

The crowd in single voice rejoins

As the fool meets their demands


A strange hymn they sang before the one

In whom God was pleased to dwell

But it did not name His only Son

As "Barabbas!" on all ears fell


"Yet it was the will of the Lord, the will of the Lord!"

Rang from heavenly throngs above

And Yahweh braced that wrath out-poured

as His Justice kissed His love.


Delivered, beaten, mocked, and scorned,

into palms of wicked hands

Where in kingly raiment, blood adorned

The one who wind and sea commands.


O that day when skies were split

The moon turned red as blood

You walked your path to Sheol's pit

All for my greatest good.


Nailed upon that cursed tree

Hangs our lamb once slain

Before whom all men bow their knee

Who rises now to reign!


Yet it was the will of the Lord, the will of the Lord,

I sing now all my days

For by that silent, sovereign Word,

My sins were washed away