Posts in Weekly Recap
God Used Evil For Good

On Sunday, Pastor Lucas preached from Genesis 45 & 50. God used evil for the greatest good mankind will ever know - the evil, wicked, sinful murder of Jesus - so that men and women might one day forever be saved from the evil and sin we encounter in this world. 

We have a good God.

At the cross, God used evil to destroy sin, for our good and the glory of Christ. God in the flesh came to earth to live in this world and experience the evil you and I face every day. He came to be sinned against. He came to die a death that every evil man, woman and child deserves. This was God’s plan, and it was good.

Listen to the Sermon.



Not Enough Evidence, God!

On Sunday, Pastor Lucas preached from John 20:24-31. We often want to see in order to believe. But everyone will need to believe without seeing. They will need to believe without touching. They will need to believe without any physical evidence. They will believe simply on the basis of the testimony of the Scriptures. You and I can believe in Jesus without seeing, because men and women have seen and believed.

You may never get the evidence you want, but you will always have the Savior you need. 

Listen to the Sermon.




We love Marriage. And Candy.

Congratulations Vini and Sophia.

After marrying in Brazil this past month, we hosted a candy reception for Vini and Sophia.

Thanks to all who brought treats and Julia for being our party planner. We love celebrating weddings.

Communion Service: Thank You from Anne

A big Thank You to everyone who gave of their time to make the Communion Service happen. Special thanks to the Davis family, the Blackman family (Elizabeth!) , the Espositos and the Cards for showing up early, setting up and making everything look beautiful. See Pastor Mike humbly laying out tablecloths? This is our church. Pastors serving wherever it is needed most, busy families making time to prepare this meal. 

Your sacrifice points us to Christ. 

Special mentions to Michelle E. for cooking 70 lbs of chicken to perfection (with the help of sous chefs Sue, Lois and Lisa). Thanks always to our Pastoral Team for diligently leading through the service and pointing us to gospel. Also, thanks to our A/V team and ushers, who humbly serve behind the scenes. Mark and team, Dylan and Christopher and everybody who made the service happen:

Thank you for serving the church. 


Big Thanks To Our Sunday Team

The latest in storage technology.

We love the Woman's Club of Orange. It's a great location, a great space, and the club and management have been very good to us. However, it still takes a team of volunteers to get our facility ready every Sunday all year long.

The Sunday Team is responsible for everything from cleaning to packing gear to greeting you at the door. They work hard. They sweat. They adapt when we expand our Children's Ministry. And they do it all because they love Jesus and us.

Thank you Sunday Teams.

Evening Communion Service

One Big Meal

Please plan on participating in our annual Communion Service. We only do this once a year on Daylight Savings Sunday. We cancel our morning service and hold a Lord Supper feast. A church-wide celebration punctuated by the remembrance of the death of Jesus Christ.

March 12th


This is a family style meal. The church provides the main dish. Members and regular attenders contribute the following:

  • Households of 1 or 2 people bring a vegetable side or salad.
  • Households of 3 bring mashed potatoes.
  • Households of 4 or more brings mashed potatoes and a dessert. 

Hosting a meal for 150 people takes work. Please volunteer for setup by contacting Anne.

Weekly Recap, LatestAnne Adam