Dylan's Easter Poem

Before his shearers silence sounds

From still lips of eternal Word

By sinful men his wrists are bound

as the Father whets his sword.


Traded once for silver coins

Now twice for murd'rous hands

The crowd in single voice rejoins

As the fool meets their demands


A strange hymn they sang before the one

In whom God was pleased to dwell

But it did not name His only Son

As "Barabbas!" on all ears fell


"Yet it was the will of the Lord, the will of the Lord!"

Rang from heavenly throngs above

And Yahweh braced that wrath out-poured

as His Justice kissed His love.


Delivered, beaten, mocked, and scorned,

into palms of wicked hands

Where in kingly raiment, blood adorned

The one who wind and sea commands.


O that day when skies were split

The moon turned red as blood

You walked your path to Sheol's pit

All for my greatest good.


Nailed upon that cursed tree

Hangs our lamb once slain

Before whom all men bow their knee

Who rises now to reign!


Yet it was the will of the Lord, the will of the Lord,

I sing now all my days

For by that silent, sovereign Word,

My sins were washed away