This Is Home For Us

Our Newest Church Members

This past Sunday we welcomed Angel and Sandra as members of our church. They attended our Starting Point Class, were interviewed by a church leader, and demonstrated a commitment to participate in the life and ministry of our congregation. They are a gift from God to us.

[Sandra] "I grew up in a Catholic home, always unsure of whether or not I measured up to what God expected of me. Did God love me or not?  I bounced back and forth and eventually went astray. Very very far astray."

[Angel] "I grew up a foster kid in Orange County. My early life in Boyle Heights was a mess and I brought my troubles with me to Orange. I knew something was wrong and I knew the answer had something to do with my relationship with God."

[Sandra] "We arrived at Sovereign Grace in 2013 and you welcomed us in. We immediately felt your love and support and this came to us in very practical ways. You moved us twice. You helped us financially. When we realized we should get married you threw us a wedding on a Sunday morning. This place has been the place where God has truly revealed himself to us. Thank you."

"This is home for us."