Posts in Weekly Recap
Sunday in Review

1.   Tea.ology - The first meeting was a great success!  Thank you to all who helped, and who participated.  The conference room was filled and ladies were encouraged!  Mark your calendars for our next gathering on November 8th.  Check out the Facebook page for articles and information


2.  Small Groups - While our schedules may be full, and adding one more evening out seems difficult, you may be surprised how encouraging and sweet the fellowship is at a Small Group gathering.  We love to live our faith and this a great way to build community. Find yours today!!


3. New time clock - You may have heard.  You may have noticed.  We have a new time clock on the screen before the start of church and during our the mid-service break.  We want to help guests and regular attendees keep track of when we start and make sense of the gaps in our service.  


Listen again as Eric talks about Revelation 14

Sunday Announcements

1.  Small Groups - If you are currently not in a Small Group, and are considering making this church your home, we encourage you to explore finding a group to call your own!  We offer a variety of evenings in different member's homes.  Our purpose is to build meaningful, lasting relationships in the context of the church.  To find one that fits your need/location/time visit our web page and sign-up for more information.


2.  Baptisms - Our next baptism will be October 13th out in the garden.  

Learn more about Baptism and complete the interest form.


3.  Starting Point - This is a class for those wanting to learn more about our church:  what we believe, our vision, our practices.  Classes begin mid-October and run for five consecutive Sunday mornings during the Sunday School hour.   Visit us online to sign-up and download the curriculum.


Listen again as Steve Shank taught us about forgiveness from Matthew 6:14-15. 

Weekly Recap, SundaysChurch Staff
Sunday happenings......

1.  Youth Ministry - Big changes are happening and we hope this will help us to make greater strides in effectively disciplining and evangelizing our junior and senior high schoolers.  David Christensen will lead us as we reorganize this ministry with your help!  Watch the website for more details.  


2.  One Ministry -  Several Sovereign Grace members were on Chapman’s campus this week to serve and meet a Christian fellowship called Revive.  We have been in Old Towne for about 2 years and for 2 years we have been praying for opportunities to reach Chapman College.  Keep praying as Dustin will be meeting with their leaders again to lend our future support and as he continues to direct our One Ministry.


Want to hear Revelation 11 again?  Here it is for your enjoyment!   

Sundays, Weekly RecapChurch Staff
Sunday in review.....

1.  Freestyle Chili Cookoff was a great success!!  Thanks to all who helped make this happen and to those who made delicious chili for all to taste!  Check out the pictures and our winners here.  


2.  This Sunday....September 1, we will be inundated with thousands of people fighting for a parking spot near the Orange Plaza.  The Orange International Street Fair will be closing the plaza on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, to host bands, vendors and awesome food.   Join us before service to hand out invitations and get a parking spot or join us after for some great times in the Plaza!!   


3.  Thank you for being a church that gives, prays and encourages!  Our next church intern, David Christensen is fully funded and ready to start this next Sunday!! 


We were back in Revelation 10, give it a listen as Eric teaches from God's word. 

Sunday Announcements

1.  Thank you for being a church that functions even when both pastors are on vacation!  A great time of making memories and resting was had and they are glad to be home.....with you. 


2.  Our first ever Freestyle Chili Cookoff is this Sunday - August 25th.  Join us immediately following the service down the street at Hart Park.  You can find more details and to officially enter your chili in our cookoff, please sign-up here.   *Please note that this is a BYO picnic. Everyone can taste the chili, but please bring your own lunch to eat.


3.  We are working hard to make plans and raise the necessary funds to receive David Christensen as our next church intern this September.  Please join us in praying for David, the finances, his employer, and our plans.  More information and to read the proposal can be found here.

Missed our last series on Lies We Believe?  Listen to Mike, Dustin, and Nate as they teach us from God's word.