Sunday in Review

1.   Tea.ology - The first meeting was a great success!  Thank you to all who helped, and who participated.  The conference room was filled and ladies were encouraged!  Mark your calendars for our next gathering on November 8th.  Check out the Facebook page for articles and information


2.  Small Groups - While our schedules may be full, and adding one more evening out seems difficult, you may be surprised how encouraging and sweet the fellowship is at a Small Group gathering.  We love to live our faith and this a great way to build community. Find yours today!!


3. New time clock - You may have heard.  You may have noticed.  We have a new time clock on the screen before the start of church and during our the mid-service break.  We want to help guests and regular attendees keep track of when we start and make sense of the gaps in our service.  


Listen again as Eric talks about Revelation 14